Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now?

If you call me on the phone, you can.  Our phone was repaired yesterday.  It was probably caused by the rain, there was a short in the line but it was not by the neighbor's fence like we thought.  It was actually closer to the house, most likely in the pvc tube that leads from the phone box to the ground and has the phone line in it.  It's fixed now.

Frasier was noisy Sunday night.  He was bored and lonely for Mom.  He barked once or twice, I checked to make sure he was not wanting to go outside (he didn't) and then I went back to bed.  Shortly after that, he started talking.  I hollered at him to hush and yelled "NO" loudly.  He shut up.  Then, about 3 minutes later, he did it again.  I yelled "NO" again and he got quiet and stayed that way for the rest of the night.  Last night, he was silent.  But he got more excercise yesterday, we ran him around the back yard a few times and he got to play chase with Maggie.  I think that helped him.

Both doggies had a mini-adventure yesterday.  I got Otter at college after her class and brought her home, so that someone would be here for the phone repair guy.  Before I headed back to work, we let them out in the back.  After both of them answered the call of nature, Frasier made a sudden bee-line for the shed.  Maggie Moo was just finishing up her business, when she suddenly turned her head in the direction of the shed and did what we refer to as "missile lock" which means that she developed tunnel vision and the shed was the reason.  She ran, and she is FAST when she wants to be, to the shed and immediately went underneath it.  Then we heard what we hoped was a cat, but could also have been the beagle call that she's found prey.  If it was a cat, ok - that we can handle.  If it was the beagle's prey call, then it could have meant one thing and one thing only:  SKUNK.  I started calling both dogs away right then - Frasier was on the other side of the shed and I could hear him by then.  At that point, a large, furry grey and white cat exploded out from under the shed and just about flew to the fence - with the beagle thisclose behind.  The cat got away, Maggie was very pleased with herself.  Frasier?  Well, he was still on the other side of the shed.  Because he was hung up in brush because the cone got him stuck again!  He's such a goofy boy.

When the repair guy was here, Frasier was in overprotective mode.  He does that, especially when Bill's not home.  Bill was working a b(oring)ard meeting, so he wasn't home.  The dog did not want me or Otter out of his sight, and he made a point of staying between me and the kitchen door - the repairman was on the other side of the door where the junction box is.  I guess Frasier is forgiven for the night noise, since he took good care of us while he was "on duty" as we refer to it.

We let the dogsters out in the back yard for a while just now, they ran and ran and ran and ran and ran...  Now, I think they are both snoozing in the living room floor.

It was really pleasant today.  It was cool this morning, high 50's.  It was supposed to get to the mid-to high 80's today but I don't think it quite got there.  Tonight it could be in the 40's!  It's nearly time to switch out quilts, from mine to Bill's camo quilt.  We're still using the fans in the bedrooms, but probably not for long.  It will be time for the humidifiers soon enough.

Hurry Winter!  (Maybe.)

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