Thursday, September 13, 2012

What a Day...

it's been.  And what a week it's been!

Frasier is much better, I've been treating his ears for a couple of days and it's made a huge difference.  I managed to sleep in my own bed the last couple of nights with no noises from the dog.  He's had the cone off a few times and has realized that he can reach the spot on his leg, so the cone is now only taken off so he can eat and when I treat his ears.  Sometimes, it will come off if I'm sitting in the living room and he's at my feet where I can watch him.  Otherwise, he's a conehead.  The spot is much smaller, I can almost see it shrinking up.  It hasn't bled anymore.  But since Frasier has licked it a bit, it's a little redder.  I don't think it's infected and it does seem to be healing up.  But it's a battle keeping him away from it.  He's on the antibiotics for a couple more days and the spray until it's healed completely.

The Teenager has been sick this week.  The 95-year-old-teenager I work for.  He's not extremely ill, but he will ignore things until he really is sick because he simply does not want to admit that he might be.  This week was no exception.  Yesterday, he needed to go to his eye doctor and he picked the one day I wasn't able to take him because I had to get Otter somewhere.  One of his buddies, the chemical guy we use on the wells, took hm and waited with him.  Then he took the Teenager home, and told him he was not allowed to leave his apartment - the Teenager must have been feeling really badly by that point, because he actually listened!  This morning, he called me and asked if I could go pick up a prescription that his doctor was calling in.  I never could get through to the pharmacy to see if it was ready, so I just headed up there.  They tried to tell me that they hadn't gotten it from the doctor, but then they found it and said it would take 15 - 20 minutes to fill it.  It took 45!  There were 8 or 10 pharmacists on staff and they were not busy.  I can see why the Teenager wants to change pharmacies, I have never been a fan of CVS anyway and this makes me even less interested in ever using them.  I took him his medication and he was much better, but realized that he needed to stay home and rest.  His car is still at the office, it's been there since yesterday morning and I'll go get him tomorrow if he decides to come in to the office.  I really don't mind.  The Younger Boss is on vacation (again) this week and is out of state, so it's been a very quiet (boring) work week for me.

Today is National Peanut Day and International Chocolate Day.  Yesterday or the day before was International Ice Cream Day.

Otter and I are getting our flu shots tomorrow.  We had been thinking of waiting a few weeks, but after looking at the calander we realized that we have something every time we thought we would get them.  She has a dentist appointment, she's going to a friend's house, we want to go to the fair and a few other things.  Nothing earth shattering but since there is still the wildcard of reactions to the flu shot, we're going to go tomorrow.  We're both having allergy issues, which could intensify any potential reaction but we need to get the shots so we're just going to think good thoughts and go.

Then we'll go get ice cream!

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