Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Changes

Yesterday was the first day of Fall.  But it's felt like Fall was already here for the past few days.  Mostly, morning and night.  It was actually chilly this morning, I went out on the back deck shortly after sunrise and it was cold.  It was a nice change.  It's still warm, today is supposed to be in the 80's but the air has that quality that says that Fall is here.

We went shopping today.  We hadn't been on one of our Rambles lately, so we did today.  We went to a nearby town that we've never been shopping at - even though we've lived here for nearly 20 years and it's a well-known antique area!  We just never quite got around to it, for some reason.  Somebody Bill works with told him about a pachinko machine at one of the antique stores, so Otter and I went one day last week.  We found the machine but didn't buy it, it was a little more than Bill wanted to pay.  Normally in that situation, the shop workers will call the seller and ask if he'll take less.  Or, if they can't get ahold of the seller they'll usually take one of our cards and call us when they are able to contact him.  Not this place!  Additionally, they were about the rudest people I've ever come across.  We're not the only customers that have been treated badly - turns out, they have a very well-earned reputation and are losing customers although they don't seem to understand why.  But there are several other stores in the area, so we decided to go back today.  While we were there, Bill wanted to go the first store again with the idea of sticking his card to the pachinko machine and a note to the seller.  The seller happened to be there at the time and he had absolutely no problem at all with coming down on the price.  He also said he might have a couple of other machines as well.

(I posted a negative review on one of the main online sites about the unpleasant experience I had when Otter and I were there the other day.  There were a few others besides mine.)

We hardly saw any spiders this summer, besides the occasional one in the house and one brown recluse.  But yesterday, there was a big one with a big web.  It was on the deck, in front of the windows from the living room.  I saw it early in the morning, it didn't have any bugs yet but it was a perfect web so it was probably newly built.  Later on when I went outside, it was gone.

Otter found several books at one of the other stores.  I didn't find anything, but I did see a lot of Fenton that I liked and the prices were actually good.  But I didn't particularly want to buy any of it.  Sometimes, it's just enough to see certain pieces.  It was still fun.  And everybody else in the other stores were nice!  And a lot more crowded than the first store.

Froggy, I started another potholder for your collection.  This one is several pieces that are assembled into one.  I was going to start on the 2nd part of it today, but Frasier had other plans for me.  Such as petting him with both hands at once and every time I took a hand off of him, the leg would come out and bop me and he'd whine.  Maggie decided that it looked like fun, so she plopped down in my lap (I was sitting on the floor since I'd just treated his leg) and got affectionated for a while as well.

Otter goes to the dentist tomorrow.  She just needs to get her teeth cleaned, but the dentist is also going to x-ray to check the status of the top two wisdom teeth.  Since Otter can feel at least one of them starting to come through her gums, we're hoping that a) they are coming in straight, b) she'll have enough room in her jaw for them to fit so that they won't have to be taken out, or c) if they do have to come out it will be easier since they are already on their way.  We'll see what she says tomorrow after she's had time to look at the x-rays.  After the dentist, I think we're going out to the fairgrounds and get Otter's ride pass since we are going to the fair this year.

Bill was going to mow the lawn today.  His plan was to mow when we got home from church, but we had just enough rain during the night to make the grass too wet.  He then thought that he would mow when we got home from our Ramble, but it started sprinkling and the grass is just wet enough that it's too wet.  He's aiming for tomorrow after work at this point.

Movie Review:  Snow White and the Huntsman.  It was better than I thought it would be.  It was also longer than we expected.  It's a fairly dark story, but then the original story is very dark - the Disney version is not the original story by a long shot.  It's an old, old story actually.

Guess that's it for now!  My laundry is calling me.


Alexandra said...

We did nada today. I look forward to seeing that movie !

I am missing the blogging. I may start a new in January.

Otter Mom said...

Please let me know if you start blogging again!