Monday, September 24, 2012

Tooth Fairy Report and Whatever Else I Think Of

Otter saw the dentist today.  Her teeth are now shiny clean, and they look like they don't have any cavities.  The two top wisdom teeth are ready to come out, the dentist said that they can come out at any time but we don't have to be in a huge hurry.  So, the oral surgery/extraction is the Wednesday before Christmas.  That's over Otter's break between semesters.  It's an afternoon appointment, at 3:30.  Our thought is that she can have the procedure done, with the laughing gas, and then will probably be ready for bed (and a pain pill or allergy pill) early in the evening.  The thought is that she's still going to be uncomfortable and in pain, but maybe it will be easier on her if she can just come home and go to bed early.  I'll lay in a supply of yogurt and ice cream, as she's already requested.  One tooth is beginning to come through, which is an extraction.  But the 2nd tooth is not coming through as much, so it's an actual surgical extraction like both of the two lower ones were last year.

The rest of the story from the dentist is one that we were hoping never to hear.  Otter's teeth show some signs of possibly heading towards decalcification.  Like mine.  Like Froggy's.  Like Toadles'.  Like our Mom's.  It's not a given that it will happen, but it's a strong possibility.  The dentist wants her to try to head it off, she already takes good care of her teeth but she needs to increase her calcium intake.  She already gets a lot of calcium, but she's now going to start taking the same otc calcium supplement I take.  And probably even more calcium-rich dairy is in her future.  But she has the advantage of realizing it earlier that I did.  She has strong teeth (thanks Bill!), which is also in her favor.

We ran a couple of errands after the dentist, including going out to the fairgrounds to get Otter's ride pass.  The rides can be expensive, the passes are good for the entire run of the fair although we'll probably only go once.  She'll still get my money's worth out of it!  I'm going to try to remember to take pictures of the quilts and crochet, etc. at the fair this year.  I didn't get any pictures of the ribbon winning quilts last time (2 years ago) and Froggy was a little bit miffed.

So Froggy, this is for you:

Pucker up!

A word of explanation:  Froggy had a frog lick her foot one time, in the flower bed in front of her house.  She's not blognamed Froggy because she has any particular affection for them, either.  Which is Toadles' fault.  I'm responsible for the issues she has with turtles, fyi.  Froggy is a certified Master Naturalist and sometimes takes groups on tours for things.  Like an owl hunt one time, properly called an Owl Prowl.  Just to see and hear them, that type of hunting.  She signed up to take a group last Saturday evening, but didn't bother to read what she'd be hunting for.  You guessed it!  FROGS!!!!  Next time, you'll read the details first, I bet.

Otter, this next one is for you:



Anonymous said...

I will be more than a little miffed if you don't take pictures of the quilts at the fair.
Yes next time I will read the description before I agree to lead a hike.
My 3 don't seem to have the same teeth problems that we have, at least not yet.
Sorry about Otter having to have her wisdom teeth out. Kid3 may need hers out, I am not sure. Kid2 already had his out.
I am not going to kiss the frog!

Otter Mom said...

But the frog is so lonely! He needs you to kis him.

Alexandra said...

Sorry about the wisdom tooth. Mine are still in and probably should come out. One was only partially in, but recently has come in more - weird.

Otter Mom said...

Wisdom teeth don't always come in, sometimes they stay up in the gum and never cause a problem. Mine came in early, I was 15 and they were all taken out at once.