Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Four Thirty!

Four Blooming Thirty is what time my dog decided it was time to get up.  By "get up", he meant me.  At 4:30 this morning!

He barked.  Once.  Once was just enough to wake us up.  I went to the living room to check, thinking he maybe needed to go outside.  No, he just thought it was playtime!  Poor Maggie Moo, she looked like she'd been played out.  I told Frasier to be quiet, then I went back to bed.  I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I mostly just laid there with my eyes closed.  The dogs are usually fed at 5:30, but it's been closer to 5:00 the last few mornings and that might also be part of the reason.

I think I'm going to have to do something like this to him:

I think he'd look just lovely.

Froggy - I slept in my bed last night, in answer to your question.  Blogger didn't tell me that you'd left me a comment, otherwise I'd have answered you already.  Tonight, I'm not sure.  I want to sleep in my own bed, but it might be the couch again.  At least that way Bill and Otter will get some sleep.   Although she's always been a hard sleeper - she even slept through the tornado siren once!

I'm beginning to think that the collar is going to stay on him until at least next Monday, when he goes back to the vet.  He's had at least two times today when he's been out of the collar for outside trips and both times, Otter's had to haul his face off of his leg.  One time was when I was home at lunch, and that was the first time.  Which is also when we discovered that he was bleeding at the incision site.  Not a lot, we think he might have chewed instead of licked but he was stopped almost immediately.  Otter got me a washcloth and got it damp with cool water, then I washed his leg off around the incision and could tell that it was just a little blood.  I don't think it's going to be infected or anything, but we're going to watch it.  After cleaning his leg off, I got to spot clean a couple of places on the carpet.  The cone has been on him nearly all the time since then and from now until "whenever", it's going to stay on him.  Exept for when he's eating and we'll take it off a few times to let him get water - but we will stay right there and also between him and the doggie door.

I am tired!

But it could be so much worse, it was a big place that was removed and it was not cancerous.  As much as I've been griping about Fraiser, he's a very special dog and very much part of the family.  Although poor Maggie Moo might be ready to ship him off to the nearest circus!

I am desperately in need of a yarn fix.  I did a little crochet on Saturday, but I was pretty tired since I'd spent most of Friday night with a dog leaning on me so I didn't get much sleep.  I did about 3 minutes of crochet and it almost put me to sleep.  At that point, I put it away and then I took a nice, long nap.  I haven't touched the yarn since then, I've been helping Bill clean pachinko pins and my arms are sore!  Pins are the tiny, brass nails that are all over the background of the pachinko.  They have to be cleaned by hand and each one has to be done individually.  The best way is to take the polish, dab it on the long part of the nail with a q-tip, then take a piece of cotton string, wrap a look around the nail and then pull both sides of the string back and forth while working your way up and down the nail.  The string has to be changed several times during each nail.  It's hard on the arms, my are muscles are really tight at the moment.  I think I'm taking a pachinko break tonight, but we'll be back at it tomorrow.

If I'm able to stay awake, that is.  I'm really wishing that Frasier's pain/anti-inflammatory pills were the type that would make him sleepy.  I might talk to the vet tomorrow and see if they have any suggestions, but I'm thinking that we're just going to have to tough it out.  Otter is probably going to be coming home after class the rest of the week, both to keep an eye on Frasier and the licking, and to let the dog have at least a few nekkid* minutes so he can at least get some water.  He loves ice cubes, so he's had a few of those today.

I just hope he's quiet tonight!

*Nekkid has been addressed previously.  It's an official word in the TEXAS language.  It means an state of undress, but it can apply to other things as well.  Such as a steak might be nekkid if it doesn't have any sauce on it.  By the way, steak sauce is A1 and only A1.

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