Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Or, Yar! Or, Arghh!

Whichever one you prefer.


It's Talk Like A Pirate Day!

(I have not checked the website link very much, so enter at your own risk.)

This was taken in 2008, but she's still my favorite pirate.

Today, Krispy Kreme was giving away a donut to anyone who came into their store and "talked like a pirate."  If said pirate was wearing a costume, they got a free dozen donuts.

Otter was well prepared for this one!  She wore her Pirates t-shirt to class today, and had her bandana and hat in her bag.  Her gloves were on her hands.  No weapons, but she did have the most appropriate earrings she could find.  There were a lot of pirates at college today, and some of them had on the full costume.  Two of Otter's friends went to Krispy Kreme and brought back their dozens to share.

When I picked Otter up, we headed straight to the donut place.  I waited in the car, my stupidleftknee was bothering me and I knew that there would be a long line so I sent the Pirate in.  While I was waiting, I could see through the windows and the store looked like it had been raided by an entire Pirate ship because there were so many!  Of all ages, and in various states of costume.  Basically, even if it was just a kid with an eye patch on they would get a dozen donuts.  When Otter was getting ours (she said Yarr! as she got up to order), they had run out of donuts and were making more so ours are fresh.  I think that the Russel Stover store might have also been participating in Pirate Day, because I saw two pirates walking out of their door.

Sorry, Toadles.  I didn't see any pirates with cursing parrots on their shoulders!

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