Monday, September 03, 2012

I Thought My Young Baby Days Were Over!

But apparently I was wrong.

The baby in question is Frasier.  He's doing really well, at least as far as his incision and healing go.  I spent Friday night sleeping on the couch, and he spent most of the night leaning on me.  I think he was uncomfortable and needed his mama.  There is a reason my local mother in law calls him a mama's boy!  Saturday night, he was good.  He did fine, although he wasn't too happy about the cone.  Last night was a different story.  I think we'd been in bed about 30 minutes, just long enough to be falling asleep, when I heard the dog block falling down in the hallway.  I get up to check it, and there's Frasier waiting for me.  I put it up, he leaned on it hard until it fell.  We do this a couple of times, then I finally just gave up because I was too tired to deal with it.  I got my bedding, pillows and the fan and camped out on the couch again.  He didn't lean on me all night, but he did sleep right beside the couch as close to me as he could get.  Big baby!  I didn't get much sleep, then I got up at 5:00 to feed them, let him out and medicate him.  I went back to sleep then, until 7:00 and I probably got the best sleep since 11:00 last night!

He's been nekkid* (without the cone) part of the time today.  But he's also tried to lick the spot a few times, so the cone goes back on him.  We've let him out without it a few times, but somebody has to go with him.  He's gone out twice, by himself, and both times I've had to get him back in because I can see him from the kitchen window when he's going out to the grassy area to relieve himself.  When he doesn't get to the grassy area, he's generally on the concrete sidewalk right outside the doggie door and licking.  Froggy said she feels sorry for him, but she wasn't kept up most of the night by him!

Tomorrow, the dogs will be back outside and Frasier will have to have the collar on.  Otter will be home after her class, so he'll be inside and hopefully nekkid* all afternoon.  Not sure yet about Wednesday and the rest of the week.  They do have a sheltered spot with shade since he won't be able to get back inside the garage through the doggie door with the cone on, and they have water.  I'm not really sure about his ability to get a drink with the cone on, which is another reason why Otter will be home after class.  As hot as it is, they'll need additional water.  We'll probably feed him several ice cubes before we leave in the morning.  They normally get a long drink of water after they eat but it's going to be pretty hot and we don't want to take a chance with him.

We've had a nice, calm Labor Day.  We didn't have anything in particular planned, we had burgers & oven fries Friday night since Otter was going to spend the afternoon at one of her girlfriends.  I made meatloaf and brown gravy (yes, Pioneer brand!) and Bill made his World Famous Mashed Potatos.  They were on the menu for yesterday, but nobody was really hungry for anything big so it got put off until today.  Which was fine with Otter, she loved the potato part of the menu but is not a fan of meatloaf.  I made a lot of potatos, so there is plenty left for her if she's hungry when she gets home today.

We did manage to get out this morning.  We went to Wallyworld for the vitamins I forgot yesterday and we got vanilla ice cream while we were there.  We also went to the dollar store, for two things but actually got about 10.

Bill and I were going to do some stuff out in the yard and cut up some tree limbs to an allowable size so we could put them out with the trash this week.  But it's 105 today, and it got that way fast.  It's also pretty humid and not at all pleasant to be outside.  It's going to be that way tomorrow and Wednesday, I would have made sun tea today if I'd thought of it early enough but I think I'll make it tomorrow instead.

Otter's allergies are really bad the last couple of days.  She had a migraine last night and went to bed about 7:45, allergies don't normally cause migraines but it made her that much more miserable.  She was going to lie down for a while, but she fell asleep almost immediately and stayed that way until I woke her at about 8:00 this morning.  I would have let her sleep longer, but the monkey bread she wanted for breakfast was ready and I didn't want to be on the receiving end of an angry RedHeadedWoman!  Been one myself, and it's not a pretty sight.

Also, the possibility of neighbors behind us is getting closer.  Otter and I drove behind our street today, there are more and more houses being built there and some of them are built to sale (empty).  It was the other way for a long time, built to suit (built for someone and not just to be empty in hopes of someone liking it.)  The spot behind Lovely Neighbor's neighbor on her other side has the beginning of a foundation clearing started.  Bill and Otter stand ready for mayhem, should anyone start to build behind us!

*Nekkid:  To non-Texans and probably non-Southerners as well, it means to be in a state of undress.  It is NOT pronounced "naked."  It's pronounced like it sounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor frasier. Where are you sleeping tonight?