Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Stuff

It's nice today.  Sunny and warm, a little humid but not nearly as bad as I expected it to be.  Although we could still use some more rain, we're still under the normal amount for this area by this time of year.  I think we have a chance or two this week, which can also be affected by the tropical storm and where it goes inland at.  Seems odd to think about a hurricane/tropical storm hitting this far inland, but they keep going until they run out of steam and we've had rain from them before.  The worst one was probably Katrina, but that was such a big storm that I don't think it would have mattered where it went inland at!

Froggy, I'm sure you remember the trips to Pt. Aransas and the clubhouse, especially the trips after storms and having to help clean up!

I found something out the other day.  The Christian elementary school that Otter went to closed, effective the end of July.  At one point, it had up to grade 12 but there were not enough high school students for that so they went back to K4 to Grade 8.  It was that way for several years, but then a couple of years after Otter left (we switched her at 6th grade), they dropped the Middle School grades off and it was just an elementary school.  The economy didn't help, private school can be expensive and it's one of the first things cut when families have financial difficulties.  It wasn't the most expensive school in the area, but there were times when it was a struggle for us.  But we felt like Otter's education was worth it, and we did what we had to do.  But I can certainly see that not everyone can afford it.  We wanted a school where the basics were taught the right way - phonics for reading, for example.  And it was very important to us that she get a Christian education.  It was a fairly small school, I think the most she ever had in one class was 18 or so but most of the classes were much smaller.

I'm a little nervous about Friday and Frasier's procedure.  The vet said that he doesn't think it's cancer, but I can't help but be worried.  The spot looks like a tumor.  So, we're thinking good thoughts about the dogster.

I'm toying with the idea of making another quilt.  I tried to talk Otter into making one, but she wasn't interested.  I have a few crochet projects, such as the afghan, but I need another creative outlet when my tendonitis is flaring up.  Which is is lately.  It's still just in the thinking about it phase, and it may not ever get out of that phase.

I just tried to send my desk into orbit!  With the same foot/toes that I attempted to launch the couch with several years back.  I didn't break anything this time, but it still wasn't pleasant!


Also, I have the song "Crazy Train" stuck in my head.  I've been hearing it ever since I described last week as a Crazy Train Week!  This is a real problem.  The song's by Ozzy.  Ozzy is persona non grata to Texans.  Has been ever since the whole peeing on the Alamo thing!  Anybody got any suggestions to get it out of my head?


Anonymous said...

find another song to get stuck.
A quilt sounds good, but they are a lot of work. thinking good thoughts about dogster. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

If I do make another quilt, I don't intend to take 13 years!