Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wet Sunday

At least it was wet this morning.  Now, it's mostly just humid because of the fact that it was wet earlier.  It actually rained most of yesterday, then we had a period of sunny skies and then it was back to clouds again.  With thunder.  It started raining again sometime last night, I heard thunder about midnight but it wasn't bad.  It kept raining until early afternoon.  Then it got sunny & warm, which made it unbearably humid.  But the rain was needed, no doubt about that.

The morning glories are very happy.  They are exploding along the back fence and on the trellis, and there are a few blooms.  We'll see how they do, if we get regular rain between now and winter they might be ok.  The rain barrel is full now, so I can at least water them with rain water for a while if we don't get any more rain to speak of.  The indoor plants seem to really be happy, they were doing ok with tap water but they put on more growth when they get rain water.

I've been busy most of today.  I had a couple of errands and Otter wanted to get out of the house so she rode along with me.  I've been doing laundry, the never-ending chore.  I made a huge pot of pinto beans and we had that tonight with cornbread I made.  I'm also conscripted labor for Pachinko Restorations, so I've been cleaning backgrounds.  Otter and I had a boatload of dishes, mostly from yesterday.  We vacuumed.  And a few other things in there as well!  Bill changed out the a/c filters in the house, it's been about 3 weeks since the last time they needed changing and they were really filthy.  Usually, it's about a month between changings.

We've been having phone problems today.  That sometimes happens when we get a lot of rain.  I think it's working now, but we couldn't call in or out earlier.  That's one of the reasons we all have cell phones, so we weren't totally cut off.

Froggy, I finished your scarf yesterday.  It just needed the tails buried and the fringe put on.  I also put a couple of rows on my scarf-turned-lap-blanket-destash project and two+ rows on my shawl.  I didn't exactly destash, but I did consolidate and now my yarn is back in the two plastic drawer units instead of 2 1/2!  I've done a little destashing and that gave me just enough room to move the yarn from the two drawers in the 5-drawer unit by my desk back into the ones in the closet.  But they are very full drawers!  Yarn is squishable, at least.  I went through one of my pattern books yesterday, I have a few ideas but I'm not sure if I'll have time this week or not to actually work on anything.

We have a local election this Tuesday.  I'll be so glad when it's over.  I'm getting really tired of the several times daily automated calls about it, the live person calls, the number of flyers left on my doorstep and the number of people who actually come to the door to talk to me.  I know who I'm voting for, I know where to vote at and I know what time the polls open/close so they don't have to keep calling to remind me.  Hurry Tuesday!

I hope that this week is calmer than last week.  Froggy, you really don't want crazy trains!  The engineers are psychotic!  (And I don't mean Billyboy and Uncle Crazy.  Although Billyboy is probably there already).


Anonymous said...

How about toadles? Wouldn't he be a crazy train engineer

Otter Mom said...

Yes, he would be perfect. But he might be even better as a fireman - the one who shovels the coal into the engine's burner. That way, he could make the train go as fast as he wanted it to.