Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Wednesday. Just Wednesday.

Not even a Whine Wednesday, just Wednesday!  Well, there might be a little whining!  But not much.

It's warm today, it was supposed to be right about 100 or 101.  But it is actually somewhere around 105 this afternoon.  However, tomorrow is supposed to be our last over 100 day.  At least for a week!  We're supposed to be in the low- to mid-90's for at least a week, with some good rain chances as well.  We really do need the rain, so I'm hoping that it is going to actually rain and not just a tease!

I went to the grocery store this afternoon.  I got in and out of wallyworld in 40 minutes, so I'm not complaining!  Much. :)  I have noticed that certain things are increasing in price, which kind of goes with what I've heard recently.  Orange juice, for one thing.  Other things have increased as well, but I really noticed it with the oj today.  Bread is probably a little higher.  But it's going to be even higher in the near future due to the poor wheat crop which is the result of no rain and higher tan normal temperatures.  I don't know about pricing on things like cokes, we don't buy much soda.  Eggs have also increased - but we pretty much only eat them on Saturday mornings, so a dozen usually lasts us a long time.

I have a sore shoulder.  My left one.  Last night, I was putting something in the refrigerator and when I straightened up, I collided with the handle of the freezer door.  I have a nice bruise on the back of my left shoulder and it's tender.  It was sore last night, I usually sleep on my left side but not last night!  I took a couple of motrin then and will probably take another one or two tonight.  It's better, it's just that it's still a little sore.

However, it does not keep me from crocheting!  I got a little yarn work in this morning and it didn't seem to bother my shoulder at all.

I refilled one of my two hummingbird feeders this morning, the one that is owned by the male bird.  The other feeder probably could use a refill, it's still got feed in it but it's been hanging up for several days and we've had pretty hot weather.  It might be fermented by now - maybe that's why the little female keeps coming back to it? :)

I also discovered another evilmonsterdeniziensofhell nest in the process of being built.  (Yellow jackets, in case you are wondering).  It's in the tree that I was trimming when I was stung a couple of months back, but it's only been there a couple of days.  I found it last night, when I was refilling the bucket I was using to water a couple of baby trees.  Bill's going to take care of them, but probaby not tonight.

Otter comes home the day after tomorrow!

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