Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Icy Cold Christmas!

We didn't get the snow that was forecast.  But that's ok, we didn't get forgotten by the winter weather!  Instead, we got ice.

Not much, at least not in our area, but it was enough that the cars were iced over this morning and there were some slick spots.  Grandpa and Sweetie were still able to get out of their house and come to ours, so we didn't have to postpone our Christmas with them - something we've had to do a time or two!  We still could get snow, although I'm thinking that we probably won't by this point.  It's about 4:15 p.m.

Although I didn't want to, yesterday Otter and I went to Wallyworld.  We'd just been the day before, but on the chance we did get socked in and weren't able to get out we wanted to grab a few things while we could.  Orange juice, taco fixins for tonight's dinner, stuff like that.  The tacos have been put off until tomorrow, we had a huge breakfast and never ate lunch then just snacked for supper tonight.  But, better safe than sorry when it comes to the weather and food.  Everybody remembers December 2007 and February 2011, so the store was crowded yesterday and it seemed like the grocery side of the store was just as crowded (or maybe more so) than the toy, etc. side was.

We had a nice Christmas, even if it was a little cold.  And even if Bill wasn't doing what he does every single time he takes vacation or has several days off:  he's sick!  I think he's "just" got a cold this time, although I do think it was the flu in November - when he was off around Thanksgiving.  We've also discovered that he's probably allergy to benadryl - yes, he's allergic to an allergy med.  Talk about ironic.  Anyway, he always gets a rash when/after he's had fever.  But the benadryl he's been taking has made it a whole lot worse and he says it always makes it worse - of course, he didn't bother to tell me this until today - after he'd been taking benadryl!  Sometimes...

Anyway, G & S came for the annual event known as "Bill Breakfast" because he cooks most of it.  Otter and I pitched in this time, she was in charge of biscuits & gravy and I made the waffles.  Bill handled the bacon and scrambled eggs.  We had a fire going early, and that meant that I was warm as I was furiously crocheting to finish up Grandpa's afghan before he actually got here to receive it!  Talk about last minute.  It's the big project I've been working on, I should have already been done with it but everytime I thought I would have a few minutes something always came up.  Because I got it finished less than 40 minutes before they got here, I didn't get pictures.  But it's just like the pink & white granny square afghan that is on my craft blog, except that it's a sort of dark royal blue alternating with white.  The pink & white one was a Mother's Day gift to Sweetie a couple of years back.  I also crocheted a couple of kitchen washcloths for Sweetie, in the yellow & white that she's decorating her kitchen in.  They didn't get photographed either, but that's because I was too busy with Grandpa's afghan to take the time.  We had a wonderful visit with them this morning, after breakfast we opened presents but there was still a concern about more ice coming down so they didn't stay too long.  It was a short visit, but it was a good one.

The dogs have enjoyed today.  They were outside while we were having breakfast, well they were in the garage on their carpet but they were out of the way.  They came back in after that, and they got their gift - treat bones!  Which they ate in a few minutes.  Frasier has spent the afternoon curled up on their blankets and Maggie Moo has spent her time either under Bill's blanket-covered feet or in front of the fireplace.

And, just in case anybody is wondering, yes!  Bill did get coal in his stocking.  Courtesy of Otter and the dollar store, it was actually chocolate candy made to resemble coal.

OK, I'm about to go outside and get more firewood.  Bill's trying to stay on the couch with a blanket, but he doesn't deal with forced inactivity any better than I do so it's a battle keeping him there.  He did go get firewood earlier, he got away from me and snuck out, but he said it tired him out.

I've also managed to get more crochet time in this afternoon.  I started a mint green and white scarf/hat combo for myself a while back.  I finished the hat and was just over half-way on the scarf, but they were put aside for the Christmas gift projects.  I managed to get the scarf finished this afternoon.  I'm not sure if I'm going to fringe it or not.

We aren't planning anything particular for tomorrow, a lot of it depends on the weather and if we get anything else.  It's still cold, below or close to 32 degrees and the roads are ok but they could be bad if we get anything else tonight.

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