Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Motorcycle Day!

So named because my brother, Toadly or Toadles, would have rather had a motorcycle for a Christmas present but he got a little sister instead!

But if I was a motorcycle, I'd be one of these.  :)  Notice that it's red?

I did manage to avoid the cold, or at least I don't think I'm coming down with it today.  I woke up feeling good and have only had the slight allergy stuff I've had the last few days.  I'm not actually allergic to cold, although that is a real allergy, but cold air aggravates my asthma and I've had a little of that.

Bill's feeling much better although he's still somewhat congested.  He's been sleeping on the couch the last few nights since he was coughing so bad and didn't want to disturb me, but I think he might be moving back into the bedroom tonight.  Which means that Frasier might get a pill tonight, since it doesn't take much for that dog to be reprogrammed into thinking that he needs a roommate!  Bill said that Frasier woke him up around 4:30 this morning, talking.

We went to a couple of thrift stores, where Bill got two more shot glasses and Otter found a few things.  We went to a couple of antique stores but nobody bought anything.  The only thing I actually bought today was lunch, and I don't think that really counts!  We went to Incredible Pizza and stuffed ourselves.  There is a reason we only eat there about once a year...

Otter and I have a few places to go tomorrow.  We've been meaning to get to the book store and library all week but haven't made it yet.  We're also going to get a couple of other errands out of the way, including a stop at a grocery store for milk and a couple of other things since we may get winter weather tomorrow.  We might even hit the mall, although that's not definite.

We refilled the bird feeders just now.  We usually have had to refill them a couple of times by this point, but the birds have not been too hungry.  Actually, I think that there are a lot of people who have feeders out and they've been making the rounds of the neighborhood.  Frasier and Maggie Moo have been helping us, they keep the yard clean of any stray seed that might spill.  We also brought in a few armloads of firewood while we were busy with the feeders.

We never did have the tacos we originally planned for Christmas.  They got put off and then put off again, and now we're going to hopefully manage to make them tomorrow!  I have several dozen tamales in the deep freeze, we're going to have some of them (with homemade chili!) for New Year's Eve.  I haven't really done much actual cooking this week, which is odd for vacation week.  We haven't eaten out other than today, we've mostly had a lot of sandwich/leftovers/grazing meals.  But Otter is going to cook tomorrow.  I told her I wanted her to make me brownies for my birthday, but I told her to wait until tomorrow since we ate so much pizza today.

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