Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nearly Friday

It's still not Baby Friday, it is in fact Thursday.  But it's nearly Friday, so that's close enough I guess.

I went to the grocery store after work today, and I was armed with Otter's list of requested food items for next week.  There are now 8 cartons of assorted yogurt in the fridge, two frozen pasta dishes, a carton of Breyer's natural vanilla ice cream, 2 packages of Pioneer brand gravy mix and an 8 lb. bag of potatos.  We already had 3 or 4 boxes of jello.  I also bought eggs, which I would have anyway, so she might also have scrambled eggs.  I also bought two Digorno frozen pizzas, which will be dinner tomorrow night and a frozen lasagne which will be dinner the next Friday.  Although I'm sure that Otter will be able to eat regular food by then.

Froggy, I accidentally deleted your two comments on a recent post.  I was trying to edit one of them because I didn't want a particular name to be used.  I finally decided to just copy it, take the name out and then re-post it.  Except that I accidentally deleted both comments you left, so I had to go find the email that blogger actually sent me (!!) to tell me about the comments and then I had to copy, paste & re-post them.  Like I said on yesterday's entry, it was a Derpy Day!

My notary commission has been renewed, so I guess that the end of the world has been averted.  :)  My commission expires on the 21st, but it's been renewed for another 4 years.  I guess the Mayans must have known that I'd be renewing my commission!  Actually, it almost wasn't renewed in time - I have to get my signature notarized on the commission bond (yeah, irony I know.  The Notary has to get her signature notarized!) and I got it notarized in plenty of time.  Then I discovered that the notary (not me, the one at the bank!) had signed in places where I was supposed to.  So, I had to get another copy of the bond issued by the insurance company and it just got here Tuesday.  Today was the first day I had time to get to the bank, but it's now done (correctly) and I'm renewed for another 4 years.  But it has been fun, signing things and putting my commission expiration date of 12/21/12!

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