Sunday, December 02, 2012

Sunday Finds

I have a prayer request first:  the mother of one of my blog friends has been having health problems since she fell on Thanksgiving day.  She has some fractures including one in her back and has been in and out of the hospital since then.  She was sent home at first with a botched diagnoses, then rushed back via ambulance to the hospital where the fractures were discovered.  She was sent to rehab and now has had to be admitted to the hospital again, she has some dehydration issues and some serious problems.  I've mentioned Shara before on here, I think.  Shara is my blog buddy and it's her mother.  Please keep their entire family in your prayers, Shara's husband was one of the innocent victims of the union debacle with the Hostess company - he wasn't even a Hostess employee, but was a delivery driver.  He's since found another job, thankfully, but it was a rough & scary time for them and now her mother's situation on top of everything else.

Otter and I went to a few estate sales today.  I saw three advertised on Craigslist and they all said that it was the last day so they were 50% off.  I never saw them listed on their earlier days, however.  But we decided that they sounded interesting so off we went.  And we're glad we did, we found a lot of fun stuff.

We didn't find anything at the first sale, but I did leave one of Bill's cards for Pachinko Restorations - one of the guys running the sale knew what a pachinko machine is, the other one didn't so we got to give him a lesson.  The one that did know said that he's had one in a sale before and he'll keep us in mind in case he finds anymore.  I also got us put on their mailing list.  It was pretty close to our old house, but we didn't drive by it this time.

This was from the 3rd and final sale and is my Find.  Well, one of them but it's my favorite!  We almost didn't go to this sale, I got a little turned around on my directions (msn maps are not good) but I wasn't lost, contrary to Otter's belief.  I knew where I was, but the map had some of the landmarks in the wrong place - that has happened before with msn maps but I didn't think it was necessary to deal with the gps for an estate sale in an area that I used to go through frequently.  Anyway, we found the sale and looked around.  Otter found a couple of things and we were about to go check out when I remembered seeing that there was also stuff in the bathroom.  We hadn't been in there because someone was using it for it's intended purpose when we walked back by it.  Otter said she didn't think that there was anything in there we'd be interested in, based on sticking her head in the door of it as we walked by it the first time.  But, I decided to go back and look.  And I'm glad I did.  The above pile was $10, marked to $5.00 today.  The yarn alone is worth probably 3 or 4 times what I paid.  The floral-print sewing basket was part of it.  There were about 15 crochet hooks and they run anywhere from a couple of dollars apiece to about five dollars each.  There was quite a bit of embroidery thread and most if it is unused and still in sealed packages - Otter got some like it at Michaels the other day and it was around $3 - $5 then.  There were several small embroidery hoops as well as a crewel/embroidery kit that hadn't been touched.  There were two or three small books with crochet patterns.  A couple of knitting needles and scissors.  Some of the things were already in the donate pile before the picture was taken.  Some of it will go to etsy.  But most of it is now in my stash/crochet supplies.

This is my second find of the day and is from the 2nd sale.  The Fenton piece was $2.00, marked to $1.00 and the small dark thing is a cast-iron piece that was originally meant to either hold matches or be used as an ash tray.  $3.00, got it for $1.50.  It's on the hearth of the fireplace at the moment, next to my cast-iron sad irons.  I actually already have one like the Fenton piece, but Fenton rules and yarn rules are amazingly similar and I had to buy it.  I'm thinking that it might go to work with me, I need something on my desk to hold rubber bands since the Teenager keeps taking them out of the container I have them in - it also holds paper clips and he keeps messing with the orderly (Borq Queen) way I keep my desk!

The next two pictures are Otter's find and it's a pretty big one.  Both in size and in what it is:

It was marked $8.00.  It was 25% off, so she got it for $6.00.  Which is an amazing price, considering that a)  it's a big one, b) it's a Redman basket (I think.  Shara?  When you have time, that is.  I know you have your hands full right now),

and c)  it has the wooden, legged stand!  I'm not positive that the stand originally came with it, I've seen pictures of them though so I think it did.  It fits perfectly inside the basket.  It's also one of the bigger baskets.  It's in extremely good shape.  Otter's probably going to use it to store fabric, my (smaller) green one is now in her stash and holds things like lace, thread, sewing stuff.  I'm sure that she will find a good use for it.

We had a couple of other things to do, such as get Otter's glasses adjusted again.  We went to the mall for that, we managed to get a good parking space or we wouldn't have attempted it today.  We saw a couple of kids visiting Santa while we were there and we also went to Hot Topic.  We usually get something there for Otter for CHRISTMAS, she likes their t-shirts and usually she'll pick out a couple of them and then I'll get it later.  But today, we went ahead and got her one and also a couple of other things.  Pony things!

Movie review:  Men in Black 3.  It was surprisingly good.  It was just a little predictible, the twist at the end was obvious early on but it was a good movie.  I think it's probably written into our TEXAN dna, but we'll watch just about anything with Tommy Lee Jones in it!

(The next paragraph will probably mean nothing to non-Trek fans - all 12 of you!)


I have another movie thought.  We've been hearing things about the next Star Trek movie.  Most of the rumblings have been wondering who the villian will be.  Most of us, and admittedly we can be rabid about what we like and don't like, do NOT want the villian to be Khan.  (From the original series episode Space Seed and then from the best of the TOS movies - The Wrath of Khan, Movie # 2.)  Quite a few of us, or probably most of the TOS fans in fact, are not exactly crazy about the latest movie reboot.  We like it, but it changed too much.  However, it's Star Trek so we have to see it - dna code again! :)  Anyway, probably the absolute worst thing that they could do would be to use Khan again.  Like Otter says, we'd probably riot in the streets!  However, what I've heard lately - and read twice now - is that the villian will probably be someone else entirely.  Someone much closer to Kirk and someone who was very briefly in the series very early on.  I think that it's a very good idea, if they do go with who I/we/most of us think they'll be using:  Gary Mitchell.  The Borg Queen is keeping her fingers crossed on this one.  FutureJediMom, what do you think?  (I think you know who Gary Mitchell is.  If you don't, let me know and I'll enlighten you.)

I've mentioned before, but Oklahoma weather is bi-polar.  It's December 2nd.  We had to turn the air conditioner back on this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

The little black thing goes with the old fashioned stove that you made into a light. At least my stove has one.

Otter Mom said...

I did think of that, but it's a little bigger than the one I have with my stove. I think it's an ash tray.

Otter Mom said...

Also, Mom made the stoves into lights. I gave mine to Otter, but we have all used it at one time or another. I took the light kit out of it when Otter was little, she played with it with her dolls like we did. Bill put a light kit back on it a couple of years ago.

Shara said...

How's this for seeing a post late? I just found this post with my name in it and a prayer request for me and my Mom. Thank you SO much. That was super, nice and sweet of you. And, that is a Redmon basket - a nice one! *I lost the link to your blog when I got my new computer and I just found you again, so I am reading what I missed!