Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bill's Visit to Hack & Slash Update

Hack & Slash is what Bill calls the dermatologist. It's better than Slash & Burn, or Nosering which are two of his pet names for previous doctors! The doctor he called Nosering was only very briefly our doctor, she was assigned by our then-insurance carrier and we were not impressed for a lot of reasons, the nose ring was just part of it. Slash & Burn is a previous dermatologist but he was not much of a doctor so we found the one we currently use. He's actually very good and Bill likes him, but he told us today that he's retiring at the end of the month. He said that any of the other three in his office will be good, and he wants to see Bill again in two weeks so he can do a final follow-up on Bill before he retires to travel.

Bill had two spots that I knew about and he told the doctor about a third one. I'm just happy that he volunteered anything about another place, he usually fights so hard to avoid going and getting them cut out. The place on his chin and the one on his lower right leg above his ankle are the two I knew about. The third one was on his face but it was hidden by his mustache so I hadn't found it. Yet. I eventually would have, but he saved me the trouble - smart of him. Anyway, he has three ouchy spots now and he's off work until Monday since the place on his leg was deep enough that the doctor didn't want him to walk anymore than he has to. Somehow, I don't think Bill will mind having to stay home and off his feet for the next couple of days!

I stopped at Wallyworld and got him some decaf coke after I left the doctor's office. I got me some chocolate! But I'll probably share it with him. He was a brave little soldier today! :) But he's getting grouchy now, the numbing stuff is wearing off. So I made him a drink and he said he'll be ready for dinner in a little while.

Otter's so excited, Nana's making her reservations for the flight to go to Texas in July. It's a longer visit than usual, about 10 days. But Otter doesn't care, she'll stay for as long as she can. She's going to have a busy summer.

We definetely have neighbors now. The house next door, which has been vacant since last August. They moved in about a week ago. And so did their dogs. Their dogs who spend all day running up and down the fence. And barking! I'm not sure how many they have, possibly three. One of them is a little bitty dog and "he" is not at all friendly. And "he" managed to break out a piece of the wooden fence, probably by ramming his head into it until it broke. The hole is big enough that he could get most of his head through into our yard. I saw him do that, so I am certain that he is the one. We discovered this hole because Maggie has an obvious BITE on her face that did not come from Frasier and she can't bite herself beside her nose. I put a small piece of a board against the hole, then I blocked it with a cinderblock. Is it cruel of me to hope that the small dog in question now has a headache? Bill's probably going to talk to the neighbors, their dogs bark a lot. I mean A LOT!!! Otter is very angry, her beagle got bitten. She wants to go next door and go "Texan Woman" on them, or possibly "Redheaded Woman" which is not a pretty sight either. (When the woman in question is both redheadad AND Texan, you best start running!).


Jan said...

Sounds like a welcome to the neighborhood gift of possibly three bark collars may be in order! LOL! You can make a little muffin basket with the collars laid out on top! AND a bill from the vet for Maggie's bite! What a horrible way to announce themselves to the neighborhood! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

You or Bill, best choice, needs to talk to your new neighbors. This may become a major problem. First question-is the dog or the dogs up to date on their shots? IF not you may have to make a formal complaint. If the dog bites other dogs, what about people?