Saturday, May 24, 2008

Car Trouble of a Sort

We've decided against purchasing the cavalier we saw last week. It seems that the seller never put it in his name when he bought it several months ago, although he agreed to do that when we told him we'd buy it. He was going to go the next day, when I talked to him on Friday he still hadn't and he told me one story. Then he told Bill another one. And then his story still changed. So we decided to back out. Bill told him that if he did get the title situated in the next week or so, to call us and that if we haven't found another vehicle by then we might still buy it. Which he agreed to do. But then today we noticed that he's placed an ad in the paper for the same car so we don't think we'll hear from him again. Which is fine. I will call our loan officer on Tuesday and tell him. I don't think he'll be surprised. Then when we do find a new car for Bill, I'll call the bank back.

Otter had a choice yesterday, she could go to work with me and to the grocery store afterward. OR she could sty home with a chore list. She chose to stay home. So she had a long list of chores and she did them willingly - she hates grocery shopping that much! (It's not my favorite thing to do either!) So I had to go to the store by myself but I got a clean house out of the deal so I'm not complaining! But it seems like just about everyone else was at WalMart when I was, the store was very crowded. It also seems like I should have gotten a lot more than I did, considering what I spent!

We've had a quiet day. Typical Saturday for us. It was warm and windy, so we didn't spend much time outside today. I sat out on the back deck for a while this morning, but there was also a few early arrival skeeters to deal with so I didn't stay out long. I need to get the flea & tick drops for the dogs soon, and I think they might need a refill on their heart worm medication. They get it on the first of the month, so I have a few days to remember about it. They have spent a great deal of their Saturday snoozing in the living room. Frasier, as usual, parks himself on top of my feet whenever he gets the chance!
We are planning a quiet Memorial Day. We're planning on grilling shiskabobs but we'll probably have them tomorrow (Sunday), since Bill is going to help his dad get his golf cart from their place at the lake and I think that is going to be Monday. Yes, he's already had several lectures from me about wearing a hat, sunblock, the whole deal. Maybe he listened, I hope he did anyway!
Bill sees the doctor again on Wednesday for a follow-up. The two places on his face look pretty good, the spot on his leg doesn't look as good. Mostly I think because he has not been able to stay off of it this week. But it's better today, he's been off of it most of the day. Otter and I are going to mow the lawn tomorrow, I'm sure he'll try to help but he's going to have to deal with TWO red-headed Texan Women! Sometimes, I really think it must suck to be him - having to deal with both of us in full fury! :)

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