Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cloudy Tuesday's Rambles

We have a tornado watch until late tonight, but we hope that the possible storms don't develop. We will probably have to deal with thunderstorms tonight, but it would be fine with me if that's all that happens! I need to water a few plants, but I know that will make it rain so I haven't yet.

The stories out of Picher are really bad, the only reason the number of deaths is so low is because of the government buy-outs over the last several years. At one time, Picher had something like 20,000 people instead of the 200 or 300 it had as of Saturday. There will be no rebuilding allowed in the area, the government will still pay the people who lived there like it was doing beforehand but they will be paid to relocate not rebuild. They were being paid to relocate, it's just that there were some people who were resisting the buyout because they said it was home and they didn't want to move. I understand that, but when living in a particular place can hurt you and your children, it's not a place to want to stay! I think it's the best thing, the way the government is doing it. It is not a safe place to live, it hasn't been for many years due to the leftovers from the zinc mining - extremely high lead levels, etc. The tornado was probably an F4, which is the next to biggest measurable size. Also, it was at least a mile wide. I can't even imagine that, and I don't want to!

Bill got his eyes examined yesterday. His eyes are healthy, but he does need glasses for reading and close-up stuff. Which is what we expected. Tomorrow is the other doctor appointment, the one which he will gripe about for days and days. But he ain't getting any sympathy from me!

I have a prayer request. Pastor David, from our church, was diagnosed with cancer this week. At this point, they don't know how much or if it's spread, or anything else about it. So any prayers would be appreciated.
Now for the funny stuff! This has been making email rounds, I don't know who wrote it but it's funny:
As you may have heard, each of us will be getting a tax rebate check to stimulate the economy. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs. If we purchase a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to Honduras and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan. If we purchase useless stuff it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. We need to keep that money here in America. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it at yard sales, since those are the only businesses left owned by Americans!!
Works for me! Especially since I'm about to repopulate my closet. I've gotten to the point where I have hardly anything to wear besides church clothes (very nice stuff) and jeans with a few (very few) assorted blouses or t-shirts. I am still losing weight but it has slowed down quite a bit, which is probably normal. So I am going to have to break down and go shopping! But I don't want to buy a lot, and I don't want to spend a lot since I'm hoping to eventually lose more weight. So I think I'm going to Otter's favorite stores (and mine as well): thrift stores! At least to start with.

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