Thursday, May 15, 2008

Playing Doctor

Now get your mind out of the gutter!

Bill's doing pretty good, he stayed home today and spent most of the day in front of his computer. That way, he stayed off of his foot. He was instructed to stay off of it, not necessarily to prop it up so he was ok. He did pretty good last night, he was awake a couple of times during the night but he did manage to get some sleep. We just got through redoing the dressings on the sites, which is what the title refers to. They look pretty good, not pretty but good, considering. Tomorrow will be a rerun of today for him. He is threatening to mow the lawn on Sunday, but I'm not going to let him. It's not my favorite chore, but I will do it. And Otter will help me - she doesn't know that yet and won't be amused. Bill's not sure about church on Sunday either - he can't really shave yet because of the two spots on his face.

Otter's Texas trip is set, she will be there for 10 days in July. She's so excited that she can hardly wait. She's going to have a busy summer, camp in late June then Froggy's visit the first week of July, followed by her trip to Texas later on in the month. She won't actually be home all that much this summer! But she'll be back in time for the now-annual sales tax holiday the first weekend in August, so we can get school clothes.

We had three baby doves in the nest under the front porch roof. For the last couple of days, we haven't seen any sign of mama dove and we were beginning to get concerned. But today there was only one dovelet there and it looked fine. No sign of deceased baby doves, so we think that the babies have already fledged - they will frequently come back to their nest until they figure out that they can be on their own. We think that is what has happened, since the numbers of babies visible keeps changing.

Maggie seems to have recovered from her run-in with the neighbor dog. She is her usual silly self. Frasier is his normal laid-back self. I haven't heard the neighbor dogs the last day or so, when I've been outside. I also haven't seen the neighbors so nothing has been said to them. Jan, I like your suggestion!

Froggy, you asked me how to find Hominy, OK on your map. Did you find it yet? It's not very big so it's easy to miss. But I know the way there and back, so you don't have to navigate. Now if Toadly were driving...

1 comment:

Jan said...

It seems like just last week you were planning Otter's summer and here we are doing it again! This year has just flown by!!!
I hope your hubby's doctor inflicted injuries heal up quickly so he can get back to normal!
Have a great weekend!
