Monday, May 26, 2008

Later in the Day on Monday

We awakened to thunderstorms sometime early this morning, I'm guessing around 4:00 or so. We had a lot of rain. I haven't heard how much rain we actually got, but the yard was a swamp. And it caused me to have a Dad Moment!

The house that Mom and Dad bought in the late 70's didn't have much in the way of a yard. We put the back yard in ourselves. It was a lot of work and was messy! At one point, Dad had a load of dirt delivered and it was piled in the front yard. Then it rained! One of the "gully washers" that South Texas is known for. And all the dirt ran down the street to the cul-de-sac at the end of the street. Of course Dad being Dad, he got a shovel and his wheel barrow to retrieve his dirt - which gave his neighbors a laugh. Fast forward to today. Our new next door neighbors had a load of dirt delivered to their front yard Friday afternoon. They are building a water garden in their back yard and most of the dirt has been moved. Except for what they spread around their front yard. Which has now been repositioned to my front yard! I can just Dad giggling! He would have gotten such a kick out of this, I can just imagine how funny he would have found it.

We decided against grilling today. It was pretty warm and very humid, thanks to the rain. The humidity was really more of a problem, the heat isn't as much of a problem for us. But nobody really wanted to sit outside and grill, so I broiled some of the round steaks that were going to be part of the shishkabobs. We had some baked potatos with the steaks so it was a good meal. Just not the one we started out to have! Which is not unusual for us. I put the other package of steaks in the freezer and I'm going to make two packages of chicken fajita out of the chicken breast. They'll both go in the freezer as well, but we'll probably have one of them later in the week. There might actually be enough for 3 packages, it's a big pack of chicken.

Otter and I went to a thrift store today. She found a t-shirt as well as several more books. I found two books. I'm looking for blouses but I haven't found any that I like yet. I have several new skirts that I need blouses for. We also went to Michael's so Otter could get another sketch pad and we hit a dollar store. As well as WalMart again! But Wallyworld was for a couple of grocery items we needed. The rest were all fun shopping stops.

We were going to post some stuff on eBay, but we didn't quite get there. Probably Wednesday. I have a few things, Otter has a few things and Bill has some stuff that our friend's Larry's widow was clearing out and Bill is going to try to sell for her.

Bill's in disgrace. He mowed the back yard this morning. After telling me that he was going to go out and sharpen the blade, he mowed instead. I was getting dressed and could hear the mower, but he'd mentioned it needing a tune up so I thought he was just working on it. Then I realized that I'd been hearing it for too long and that the sound wasn't always in the same area. By the time I got out there to yell at him, he was done. And very proud of himself. I told him that I do not want to hear one word out of him tonight if his leg is bothering him. And I meant it! So he'd better not complain, or I might just make him sleep outside in the doghouse that Frasier and Maggie ignore!
Speaking of Maggie, I have a story to tell. I did quite a bit of laundry today. It's not put up yet, but it's all sorted out and it's waiting on my bed for me to get busy. The towels are all in a pile, and on top of the pile of towels is a dark blue sheet that also got washed. Maggie kept staring into our bedroom, she wouldn't go inside the door but she kept looking in there. Then she started growling. I couldn't figure out what she was seeing, we've had mice on occasion but I know that if she saw one it would not exist for very long. So I watched her for a while, then I realized that she was seeing the pile of towels with the dark sheet on top! Talk about goosey! Once I showed her the sheet, she was fine. She wagged her tail at me, turned around and went into the living room to find Frasier. Silly girl!


Anonymous said...

I think that we had already spread some of the dirt on the front yard. We may have spread it all. Dad was not the only one who got to got to go bring back the dirt. He put us all to work on the dirt.
I want to go to thrift stores also!!

Otter Mom said...

I seem to recall that he volunteered us to help him with the dirt.

Thrift stores are already on the list!