Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's a Monday Tuesday

Translation: Monday was a holiday, but Tuesday at work more than made up for it.

Froggy, check the last couple of blog entries that you commented on. I commented back to you and I'm not sure what you mean payback about.

Otter and I took the dogs for a walk this afternoon. We discovered something fun about the Magginator. She's like a two-year-old kid - if there's a puddle anywhere in sight, she's gotta go jump in it! She is just drawn to them, she had to play in every puddle she saw and she tasted quite a few. She's a lot of fun, that's for sure. Frasier seemed unimpressed by the puddles, but he was very interested in a cat and also a few dogs that were barking at him from the safety of their fenced yards. Frasier's tail looks like maybe it was broken years ago, he wags sideways. That's the closest I can describe it. His new game is to try to get me to grab his tail. He seems to be daring me, he'll make sure his tail is right by my hand and then he'll yank it out of reach. When I do manage to grab it, he's very happy. Maggie might be nuts, but Frasier is something else!

We had thunderstorms very early this morning, I think I woke up around 2:00 and it was noisy for a while. I eventually went back to sleep, but I think Bill got up around 4:00. The t-storms lasted until about 7:30 this morning. Of course, Otter slept through them. One time she even slept through the tornado siren, and that was at our old house when the siren was a lot closer! We got a lot more water this morning, which caused quite a bit of street flooding. More of the neighbor's dirt is in our yard now. But they don't seem to want to come get it. :) There are still puddles everywhere, which is why Maggie was so happy on the afternoon's excursion around the neighborhood. She is normally pretty bouncy, but today she was just about flying.

My weather-achy toes have been hurting off and on for the last couple of hours. They are usually right, they seldom miss - hurty toes means rain in the next several hours. I'm hoping that they are just hurting from our walk this afternoon. We really don't need any more rain right now.

Bill has his check up with the dermatologist tomorrow afternoon. I'm going with him, but this is just a look-see and shouldn't be any cutting. At least I don't think so!

1 comment:

Jan said...

I know what you mean about Monday/Tuesday! I came home from work last night feeling like I'd been dragged through the mud! Blggh!
Sounds like Maggie and Frasier keep you guys hopping! We never have puddles around here so I'm not sure what my dogs would do with them! LOL!
