Sunday, May 04, 2008

Early Sunday Morning Ramblings

I'm the only one awake at the moment. It's about 7:30 and I've been up about an hour. Bill said he didn't sleep well last night so I told him to go back to sleep. I'm not sure what time he came to bed, but I remember hearing him trip over Frasier! Otter is still snoozing, I was going to wake her up for church but my knees are really bad this morning so I'm thinking that we might skip it today. I did manage to get a load of laundry going and I've cleaned the kitchen. But those were easy and didn't aggravate my knees.

My knees were better yesterday but they are bad again this morning. I have caught myself crossing my knees lately, which is a no-n0 and might have a lot to do with why they are hurting so much. When I am losing weight the left knee will act up, Bill's theory is that it has to constantly adjust to my changing weight and that does sound logical. I've been back on my weight loss the last couple of weeks and it's possible that's affecting my left knee. But my right one has always been ok for the most part. Not lately! The plantar faciatis in my left foot was better but I think I'm walking differently to favor my left knee and I've noticed that my left foot is acting up again. It ain't fun getting older! And I'm not really old, I'm 46. But I'm seriously afraid of what real old age is going to bring! :) (Before you comment Froggy, just remember that you are older than I am!)

Movie review: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. I might not have the name exactly right. Anyway, it's got a sock monkey. And that is about the ONLY thing it has to recommend it. Don't waste your time or your $$. It was badly acted, badly written, etc. and not one I'm going to want to see again. I'm glad that we only rented it instead of going to the theater to see it. Nobody enjoyed it. Otter gets to pick next Saturday's movie, I hope that she has better luck. Although with Otter, the movies tend to be vampire or zombie related. What can I say, she's her parent's daughter!

We finally have new neighbors, the house next door to us has been vacant since last August. It was on the market for a while, two different realtors and then the sign was gone one day. We saw activity over there on an off & on basis over a period of a few months, then there was a dumpster in the driveway for a couple of months and we'd occasionally see a car or truck in the driveway. We figured that it was probably sold, but there was never any sign of anyone moving in. Until yesterday. They have a pit bull. And Frasier spent most of yesterday running up and down the back fence yapping his silly head off as the dog on the other side of the fence did the same thing. I don't have a problem with pit bulls, I like them actually. I've had one before and may again in the future. I just have a problem with dogs that bark all day long! I'm hoping that it's just "new neighbor dog syndrome" and that Frasier and the pit will both get over it. Soon! Frasier just about ran himself into exhaustion yesterday. There had been other dogs over there once in a while, but they were with people who seemed to be working inside the house.
Check back, there may be more later!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh Frasier...he's just welcoming the new guy to the neighborhood? We have a Chow who lives on the other side of the fence. I have two dogs...sometimes three...who go out each morning and say hello to Keisha. She just stands and looks at them as if they were a bunch of idiots! LOL! Then she flips her tail at them and walks away! I know exactly what it's like, though when you have two (or more) dogs barking at each other through the fence all day! Hope the situation works itself out! Also hope your new neighbors turn out to be good ones!
