Friday, May 30, 2008

Turtle Toys & Springtime Stuff

We just found the first turtle of the season. It was in the back yard. Frasier actually found it. He was walking around the yard and suddenly made a detour, I thought he was about to roll on something but then realized that he was actually licking something. It turned out to be a small female box turtle. Otter and I just relocated her to the cow pasture. Frasier keeps going back to the area where he found it, he wants his turtle toy back! Maybe he just wanted me to keep it to show to Froggy. And before anybody gets on me about it, I know that it was actually a tortoise! Turtles are the water variety, tortoises are the land version.

I also discovered that we have a volunteer sunflower growing in the back yard. It just appeared, behind the iris plants and might be from the birdseed we had out for our feathered friends. It's not a giant one, it's a couple of feet tall. But I'm thinking that two or three of the weeds I pulled in the last few days might also have been sunflowers. I hope not. But at least I'll have one, I really like sunflowers. I'll take a picture of it in the next few days, the bud isn't quite to the blooming stage yet.

And we have another dove family! Same spot. I don't think it's the same mamma dove, because this one flew off every time we went out the front door for the first few days and the previous one was used to us. We always enjoy our dove families.

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