Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Course Correction & Wonderful Surprise

Course Correction: I was off on the Pancake Day. I knew it was on the 23rd, but I thought that yesterday was the 23rd. Which means that anything I put a date on yesterday was wrong! Pancake Day is today. But Margarita Day was yesterday, that one at least I had right.

Wonderful Surprise: WE GOT TULIPS! (yes, I know - grammar!). We didn't get any tulip bulbs last summer/fall because we were pretty busy with the rent house and by the time we got through and had time to slow down, it was too late. Tulips as a rule do not last more than one season. Daffodills will come back for eternity, which is great. We like them. There are some in the tulip bed and each year they have multiplied. They usually look great with tulips. I checked the bed today for signs of daffys, and there are several. And they are not alone! WE GOT TULIPS! Several of them, in fact. Otter was overjoyed, and so was I. I'm very surprised that they came back this year, but it is a happy surprise.

I'm taking a self-imposed crochet break today. My skin is ok, it's not as good as it could be but it's also not as bad as it could be. My shoulders and upper arms are kind of sore, tight muscles in those areas are a result of crochet overload. I would imagine that knitters have similar problems. My wrists will bother me if I crochet for too long a stretch, but this time it's the shoulders & upper arms. I just took a looooooooooooooooong hot shower, it helped some. But I think I'm just going to stay away from the yarn and hook for a day or so. It ain't easy!

Here's Froggy's answer to my latest challenge, her simple pleasures:

Simple pleasures-
pretty much anything where some or all of my family is together.
Others are working outside in my flower beds, counting birds and just watching and listening to them.
I also get a lot out of my Master Naturalist activities.
I also like the quilting, and sewing, and learning new things.

Words that I can't stand- at this moment I can't think of any. I am sure that there are some and when I think of them I will email them to you.

Book list in the next few days. I have already read more books than there are days in this month. And I still have a few more to go. Otter and I went to the library yesterday after school - imagine that!


Anonymous said...

Mom hates the word whatever

Otter Mom said...

Froggy, KN#3 knows you better than you think. Be afraid, be very afraid...