Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Been A Few Days!

Since I posted last. I think it was Tuesday?

It's been a busy week. The first part of the week was taken up with Bill being sick and then normal life intruded. Now, Otter is sick. She started having a sore throat off and on about Wednesday but not bad enough to keep her from going to school. She was taking benadryl at night for the allergy symptoms she has been having. When she went to bed last night, she felt pretty cruddy so I wasn't surprised when she woke up this morning with hardly any voice at all. So she got to stay home today. Bill is better, but he was also off today and is off Monday.

I've been having allergy symptoms the last day or so and I now have a sore throat which started late morning today. So it might be my turn. I told Bill that I would blame it on him, instead of Otter. He found that amusing.

It's been a long week. I'm glad it's nearly over. I am so ready for it to be Friday today and Saturday tomorrow!


What else was I going to talk about?

I forgot.

I'm going back to my orange juice now and shortly will be heading for the couch. And probably a motrin.

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