Saturday, February 06, 2010

Saturday Stuff & Another Challenge

The challenge part first: Simple Pleasures.

What are some simple pleasures in your life? Something that makes you happy. Anything at all. The idea is to come up with something simple or easy, as long as it makes you happy. (And is family friendly/polite!).

Here's a couple of my simple pleasures:

Making S'mores with Bill & Otter on cold nights when we have a fire in the fireplace.
Watching birds out of my dining room window.
Waking up early and having coffee with Bill, sitting on the couch and reading the paper or just having a few quiet moments together.
Spending a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon watching a movie on dvd with Bill & Otter.

Anybody else have any they would like to share? Email me your lists please, then I'll post them. I'd like it by about Thursday.

On to other things.

Anybody care to guess what this is? Besides a blanket in the living room floor!

Here's a picture of the other side:

It's Maggie Moo! And she did this all by her little, furry self. Otter had been using the blue blanket today, she had a nest on the love seat. Maggie is a well-known blanket theif, and today she was living up to her reputation. She had already been trying to get underneath and on top of the blanket I was crocheting, I told Otter to redirect her and this is the result. Maggie went over to the blanket that Otter had just dropped and at first, she was on top of it. Then she started pawing it into a nest. Then, after a couple of minutes, she got it the way she wanted it and then she crawled underneath it. It took her a few minutes, but she managed to get it wrapped around herself very snuggly. Then Maggie gave a big, contented sigh and curled up - and promptly went to sleep! Dog likes her creature comforts, that's for sure. Kind of like her owner. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my dogs likes to get under the covers, especially if someone else is under them also. The big dog doe not like cover but she does like to snuggle. Froggy