Monday, February 22, 2010

Today is a Fun Day!

It's a double duty day.

It is National Pancake Day.

And it's also National Margarita Day.

I prefer blueberries in my pancakes, but we don't have them too often. They are good spread with peanut butter - which is one of the many food habits that sound odd but are very popular in NE Oklahoma. This one, at least, is pretty good.

As far as Margaritas go, I'll take a large one please. Extra lime and very little salt.

Then I will need to be put to bed, because tequila makes me very sleepy. And also very stuffy nosed, so I don't drink it very often. I don't drink anything very often, but I drink tequila even less than anything else. I think I might have an allergy to something in it. The good stuff is made from agave cactus and it doesn't seem to bother me, but the less-than-good stuff is not my friend.

So maybe I don't want a Margarita after all.

Froggy sent me her Simple Pleasures list. If anyone else wants to participate, and have it posted on my blog, please send it to me via email soon. I'll probably post the responses towards the end of the week. More or less. Or thereabouts. Or somewhere in there.


Anonymous said...

Missed pancake day. I will probably have them tomorrow night for supper. I like the blueberry ones and of course the chocolate chip pancakes.
Not going to try peanut butter on them.
We had a few snow flurries today!! also some sleet. Nothing stuck to the ground or the streets.

Otter Mom said...

I realized today (Tuesday) that I was a day off.