Anyway, here goes! Descriptions are below the pictures. A couple of them are sideways, sorry about that. Several of the pictures were taken on my table, the black background is Otter's t-shirt. Which she was wearing at the time! Thanks, Otter.
I have a rule that I more or less follow regarding Fenton. Aside from trying to find it cheap, if there is a piece that I'm not sure about or is more than my preferred price range then I generally leave it there and think about it. If I still absolutely have to have it and decide it's worth the extra cost, then I'll go back for it the next day. This piece is one of those "walk away" pieces. Except that it wasn't the next day. I saw it in December, when Otter and I were shopping during our vacation week. Because it has a chip (hidden, on the bottom), and was just slightly over my $$ range, I decided to think about it. I thought about it and went back the next day. Only to discover that the shop was closed that day. So I figured it wasn't meant to be. I'd been looking for colored hobnail and really like the blue, so I was disappointed but planned on getting back there asap since these things tend to get snatched up quickly. But then I got busy and never got back there. Yesterday, Otter and I made it back to the store and it was still there. Hidden behind a few other things, but it was still there. So, it came home with me. I have a french opalescent (clear glass with white spots) in this piece and Otter also has one. It's a bonbon holder. But the colors are hard to find, and blue is very rarely seen. The chip is not a major factor, because of where it's located. But if it had been at a flea market or yard sale, I would have bargained. It's still a good buy, but I would not have paid more for it.
This is the pattern known as Daisy & Button and might not actually be Fenton. A lot of glass companies made this pattern. This one is in all probability Fenton, but I'm not positive. But it was $3.00 and I liked it. So, into the basket it went! It was made for a candle company, I can't quite read the name on the bottom. Fenton made a lot of pieces for other companies and they usually have the company name on them - the one it was made for. It might eventually be destined for Otter's bathroom, it's in the right color scheme. It's a candle holder, but it could be used for many other things.
I saw another piece that I'm pretty sure was made by Fenton, in a different pattern and style, but it was made for the Avon company and has the word Avon in a very obvious spot. So even though it was pretty cheap, it did not come home with me. However, it's a pattern that I like and Fenton did make for it's own line so I'll keep looking for one.
The jade bird in the front of this one is not the focal point of this picture! This is also Daisy & Button. This one is Fenton, no doubt there. It's not one I've seen "in person" before. It's slightly taller than the hats, which were originally meant as cigarette holders. The pattern is on the inside part of the ruffle, which is not something I've seen before. This is the $2.99 piece I got at Salvation Army this week. Sweetie asked me where I was finding all the cheap Fenton, and thrift stores are an excellent place to look.
This is the 2nd match holder, I got it in December. I'm seeing a great deal of Daisy & Button pieces lately, I like it but it's not my favorite. However, if it's cheap enough...
I have never been a big fan of the shoe pieces. There are a couple of different styles. They were actually ash trays. I always said that if I found one and it was in my price range, it would come home with me. Yesterday, I found one. It's got a couple of sharp spots, and if it had been flea market/yard sale I would have bargained. But $5.00 for a Fenton shoe is a good price. It would have been more if it didn't have the rough spots. But I decided it was a good deal and unless I find any more shoes for very little, I probably won't buy any more of them. I think that they are all made in the Daisy & Button pattern. Actually, the pattern name might be Buttons & Bows, I can't remember!
This is the one I mentioned before, in a December post. Possibly in my year-end wrap up. I had been looking for this pattern for a long time. I was hoping to find this particular piece, but I would have been happy with anything in this pattern. It's called Rose. It's a footed compote in milk. It is in perfect shape. It was about $13.00, which is more than normal but is a very good price for it. It was also at the same place as yesterday's finds. I couldn't get a better picture of this one.
The object of this picture is the swan in the middle. I'm not really sure if it is in fact Fenton. It's definetely got the Fenton look. I've seen one other one, on eBay and it was described as Fenton. But that isn't a guarantee. It's not in any of my Fenton books. It could well be what is known as an "End of Day" piece, which is what happens at the end of the day when the artist still has glass and time on his hands. Some End of Day pieces are really good, but some of them are really bad! It is possible that it was originally intended to be a basket and the artist went a different way, but since I have seen one other one I'm not really sure about that. What I do know is that it is the exact color as the Fenton amber line and the size is right. The hobnails (pointed bumps) are also right. I got this last summer at a flea market when Froggy was visiting. (she was off buying the cranberry vase at the time, I think!) It's one that even if it's not Fenton, it's very unusual and is one of my favorite pieces. If there is ever another Fenton signing event in my area, I'll take it with me and find out for sure. But, either way, it's one I'll keep.
OK, this concludes the Fenton portion of the day's entry.
Bill's still sick. He's been fighting off a cold type bug for a few days. He actually started coughing last Saturday and tried to blame it on allergies. Which he has very few of. He said it was the lotion I was using on my dry skin, but it's the same lotion I have always used and it's never bothered him before. Then the next day, he spent a lot of time out in the garage cutting wood up and he said it was the sawdust. Which does occasionally bother him - and always bothers me. But when he didn't get any better, I figured he was getting sick. He went to work Monday and Tuesday, but then he had a low fever Tuesday evening. He stayed home Wednesday, he finally admitted that yes, he was actually sick. He went to work yesterday morning, where his boss took one look at him and ordered him back home. He actually listened, I'll have to ask his boss what he said to get Billyboy to listen to him and do what he was told. Bill's had a lot of congestion the last day or so and he coughed all night last night. I do mean all night! As a result, I'm exhausted from little sleep. This morning, he still felt warm - but he won't let me take his temperature - and is coughing. He asked me to stay home with him, which is a pretty good indication that he feels pretty bad. I was seriously afraid he might have pneumonia, but now I don't think he does. However, I'm still keeping a close eye on him. I just got off the phone with my boss, he told me to watch Bill carefully (he's had pnuemonia recently himself) and that he suggests Bill take a pint of whiskey. I don't think it would cure him, but he'd probably be happy! (He's not going to take that suggestion, by the way).
We had a chance of snow last night. It wasn't predicted to be anything bad. It rained off and on yesterday afternoon, not heavy but just enough to be really messy. And cold! But the snow held off, the storm system didn't come as far south as was originally predicted. Today is grey & misty, and I'm really getting tired of not seeing any sunshine! It's been days and days since we had anything other than grey, overcast sky. I'm beginning to feel like a mushroom! No sunlight.
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