Thursday, February 04, 2010


Several days back, I issued a challenge to anyone who wanted to particpate. The challenge was to come up with 7 random facts. Froggy (my sister) and FutureJediMom (my brother Toadles' daughter) decided to join the fun. So, here are their 7 facts.

Froggy's first:

1st memory- sitting on the steps with Grandma(Mom's mom) working on plants. This is where I got my love of flowers and gardening from.
2.Favorite flower-Sweet Peas, again this came from Grandma.
3. Best early memory from Mom-she saved all the empty tin cans, cut out both ends and then gave them to us to play with in the dirt and let us make mud.
4. Best early memory from Aunt Jessie- She always had time to play with me and all 8 of my imaginary friends.
5. Best early memory from Dad- climbing as high up in the tree as I could (higher than the top of the house) and waiting for himto find me, also playing croquet.
6. I am a Master Naturalist and this means that one of the things that I get to do is go to Natural areas and pass along my love for the earth.
7. I have been married once and have 3 adult children

My comments on Froggy's Facts:

I only had one imaginary friend!
Toadles, our wonderful & crazy brother, has his own definition of the word "Naturalist." Let's just say it isn't the same as Froggy's definition and leave it at that!
I never met Grandma, she was gone from this Earth long before I was born. I have always felt a sadness connected with that fact, I wish I'd known her and also Grandpa (her husband, our mom's dad). However, I am glad that Froggy has those special memories.

FutureJediMom's facts:

1. I have had pet rats, turtles, lizards, hamsters, frogs as well as dogs & cats.
2. I graduated from the same high school as my mom & dad, just 23 years later.
3. I have lost 10 lbs since Christmas.
4. I have never seen the movie Titanic & plan to keep it that way.
5. I love to eat dark chocolate covered almonds.
6. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip, esp if I can add a hard chocolate shell to the top of it.
7. I have been to England twice and Disney World more times than I can count. Both are great vacations and I want to do them both again.

My comments on FutureJediMom's facts:

#1: Ditto, except that I didn't have rats. But I would have, if my parental units had let me.
#2: Also, both of your Aunts (myself & Froggy) graduated from the same high school.
# 4: I have, unfortunately, seen Titanic. Or part of it anyway. I think that she has a much better idea, because what little of it I saw (not by choice) was pretty bad.

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