Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday's Whining

I'm going to whine for a while. So deal with it! :)

Today's whine:

My skin is driving me nuts this week. My forefinger and thumb on my right hand have cracks. The one on my forefinger is the worst one, it happened between getting out of my car at work yesterday and walking into the garage. And it hurt like the dickens! The ones on my thumb are minor and pretty much healed, but the forefinger is one that I bump constantly. I've been keeping a bandaid on it as much as I can, but then there is another problem that is caused by that - I'm allergic to most adhesive on bandaids.

I have several crochet projects either in the works or planned, but I'm not going to even attempt it for a few days. I might see if I can come up with a way to shield my cracked finger, but I'm not sure if that would work. It's kind of hard to crochet with any type of a glove, and bandaids would be impossible.

I found this picture on loldogs just now. I think it's appropriate, just picture Frasier or Maggie Moo!

OK, whining over. For the moment, anyway.

Otter is enjoying her night school science class. She said it's basically the same class she took in 9th grade and is the same teacher. The teacher rembered her and was glad to see her. ACT testing is coming up in several weeks, just after her birthday.

There was more, but I don't remember what it was. I've had a headache for a couple of hours, so at least I have a good excuse for forgetting!


Anonymous said...

You are just getting old and having a senior moment. (just kidding)

Otter Mom said...

Remember what we always tell Toadles? That he'll always be older than us - well, just remember that I am the YOUNGEST so that makes you older than me, too. :)

Anonymous said...

is she not taking the SAT? I know the ACT is mostly a northeastern school thing, and the SAT is what's taken by most students in Texas.


Otter Mom said...

The ACT is the important one here.