Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Thoughts

First of all, I'm really glad that it's finally Friday.  It's been a week that hasn't had anything particularly bad or hard, it's just been a long one.

One of my thoughts this week is that we are probably going to have a dog wash on Sunday.  Both of them need it, we've treated them on a regular basis with flea stuff that goes on their backs and it does work, but we've had such a flea problem in this area of OK that we've had to treat them more often than normal and they look greasy.  So they will probably get a washing on Sunday.  Which I'm sure that they'll just both absolutely love (not).

Otter is overjoyed, the state of Oklahoma no longer includes parallel parking in the driving test.  That's the only hurdle, she has been driving on a regular basis and is a pretty good driver.  But I can't teach her to parallel park since I can't do it myself because of my depth perception issues and Bill hasn't had much time.  But Grandpa found out that they don't require it anymore and when I called to get info from the license place, they said that they stopped including it in the test last year.  She's still going to have to wait a while, they work on appointments and are booked up for the next few weeks.

Knees are also in my recent thoughts.  As in my knees.  And how much they hurt!  They've both been really bad lately, they had been better but I'm working on losing weight again and it always affects my knees.  I am losing it slowly, and I have been on a plateau but I'm off the plateau now.  While I'm not actually losing, my knees have a period where they don't have to constantly adjust to my changing weight.  They still are not good then, but they are better.  It's a trade-off, lose weight and knee pain or don't lose weight and have other issues to deal with.  The thing is, weight loss will help them.  But nothing will cure them.  Because the problem with my knees, while weight aggravates it, isn't caused by weight.  They've been really bad this week.  I deal with it, I'm used to it.  But that doesn't mean that I like it!

Knees, depth perception and inability to match colors (can't tell the difference well) are all things that I can thank my family heredity for.  I guess that it's still a trade-off:  Red Hair and the cost of it is knees, depth perception and the aforementioned color problems!  :)

Oh well, at least it's Friday.  That's always a good thing.

I have other thoughts today.  Among them, flu shots.  We're still thinking we're going to get them this year (probably Friday of next week).  But we have had a re-think this week.  Since the H1N1 (swine) flu is now included in the flu shot.  Maybe we'll get double ice cream next week! :)

And of course I always have crochet thoughts!  Lion Brand, which is pretty much my favorite yarn brand, will be debuting their new Fall colors in the next couple of weeks.  I can hardly wait!  I'm going to keep myself occupied with crochet this weekend, I want to get as much as possible done on the prayer shawl as I can.  I'll probably spend most of tomorrow working on it.  It's a fast one, it's just that it's also a fairly big project.  But it's for someone who has a serious illness and I want to get it to her as fast as I can.

Otter's not a fan of the Twilight series.  She read the books and liked them at first, then she realized just how stupid and sappy the stories are.  She did see the first movie.  It was after that when she had her "awakening" to the awfullness of it.  She was really amused to see that there is now a Twilight parody movie out.  She and BF are going to see it tomorrow, she might even post a review of it on here.



Anonymous said...

how is BF? Enjoy crocheting. I am going to do a lot of quilting. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

BF is fine, as I write this (Saturday evening), he and Otter are at the movies and going to dinner.