Friday, August 06, 2010

Friday's Shopping Report

Well, we did shop today.  So the title is accurate.  But there's other stuff to talk about, too.

Otter went to work with me today.  For what is, in all probability, the last time.  We thought that same thing at the beginning of the summer, because she had job plans.  But that didn't happen, so she's been working for me this summer.  It's been going well on my end of the agreement, but let's just say that she does not see her future plans to include being a maid.  :)  Anyway.  Since this might be the last time, I took her to lunch today.  Which I did frequently, but usually to something fast food-ish.  Today, we went to a Chinese buffet and had a great meal and a nice time.

Then we walked next door to TJ Maxx's and went shopping.  Otter tried on a couple of things but didn't like them.  By then, we had to head back to the office.  After work, we went to the library (of course!) and a couple of things and then to Target.  Where she tried on 3 or 4 t-shirts and rejected them all.  Apparently, the style is either skintight (not too small just tight) or way low cut.  She did find a few more pairs of cute socks - she's got nearly as many pairs of socks as she has shoes!  We then had a couple of other, non-shopping related errands to accomplish and our final stop was Wallyworld.  We found mostly what we were looking for there, but it was "foundation garments" and not fun clothing shopping.  But it was all tax free, so it made sense to get "those things" today.  Because tomorrow is Sabbath, we will not be shopping.  But come Sunday, we'll be at the mall!  Otter really doesn't need much, she's pretty well covered on all bases now anyway but she would like a few more shirts.  And I'm sure we'll have to look at shoes.  For some reason, I think she'll want to.  Can't imagine why!

It's been a busy week.  We had a FutureJedi invasion yesterday.  JediMom brought her herd (actually, I think she called them a horde) by on their way back to Texas from her hubby's family reuinion.  We met at the Hog Trough again and then they came home with us.  We had a great time, the kids are always fun.  Frasier was in his element, he loves people and he especially loves kids.  MaggieMoo, well she was a little confused at first.  She was friendly, but she wasn't quite sure what to make of all these little peoplepups running round her yard!  She got the idea eventually and joined the fun, but she was really happy this morning when she discovered that those little peoplepups know how to give belly rubs!  Otter was happy because she had someone to play Twister with - since Twister would probably be the end of me. :)

Froggy, I never heard anything back from the people about the quilt shower curtain.  But I think you would be able to make one fairly easy.  I can't remember the shower curtain dimensions, it's been 28 years since I sold them for a living (yikes!) but I think that they are 72" wide.  Measure your current one, I don't know what you have in your bathroom but the one in KN3's bathroom is a standard size.  And then send me pictures when you get yours finished!

Dr. Who scarf update:  It's coming along.  I think it's something like 18", I know it's past the one foot mark.  Otter found a graph icon for me that I tried to post here but was unable to, but the gist of it is that it compares Dr. Who incarnation lifespans with scarf length.  Teeth & Hair is the longest-lived Dr., and she told me that I'd better get on my scarf project and keep going.  I need a couple of smaller projects to work on when I get bored with doing the same stitch over and over and over and over....  I have a couple of ideas for that.

Bill's pachinko collection increased again.  I think he's up to 23 or 24.  He got this one at an auction yesterday, for under $10.00.  Can't beat that with a stick, as Mom used to say!

OK, I guess that's it for now.  I'm tired, my feet are yelling at me for being on them so much today and it's just about time to go keep the couch and tv company.

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