Friday, August 27, 2010

The Redhead Curse Strikes Again!

Specifically, the part about bleeding a lot.

Otter and I just got our flu shots.  I didn't think to warn the girl giving me the shot that I might bleed a little.  Otter got her shot first, we talked about how she'd had years and years of allergy shots so shots are not even a blip on her radar.  Then it was my turn and I just forgot about it.  I got my shot and then I saw the technician's eyes get really big.  Like scared to death big.  Which is when I realized that the Curse was active.  I told her that I might bleed a little bit, but she was a basket case by that point.  I did bleed more than I normally do, but not as bad as I have in the past.  She had to go get paper towels & alchohol scrubs twice, then she finally put the bandaid on me.  But she was still pretty shaken.  I felt really sorry for her.  She was full of warnings for me, then I explained the Redhead Curse to her and she relaxed a little, but she was still pretty scared.  Well, she'll know the next time she has to deal with one of us!  She was fairly young, probably mid-20's.

Otter was wandering around the store at that point (shopping!), so I texted her and just said that I'd be a minute and the words "Redhead Curse."  A minute or so later, her red head peeks around the corner and the first words out of her mouth were "how much did you bleed this time?"  She's had to deal with it herself, so she knew what I meant.  The other thing is that I'm allergic to most adhesive on bandaids, so I've already had to take mine off because it was starting to itch.  It's still a little itchy, even without the bandaid because the reaction can take a little time, but not too bad.

Then we went to Subway for take-home dinner and then made our required stop:  Braum's!  Otter chose neopolitan this time.  It's in the freezer, we'll get into it later.  We'll even share it with Bill.  We figure that he earned it because he has to put up with us. :)

We got the shots in our left arms as we are both right-handed.  My left arm is getting sore, which is normal.  We take Motrin about an hour before we get flu shots, which does help but I'm beginning to feel iffy.  Which is my normal reaction.  I'll feel not-so-hot tonight and maybe a little bit tomorrow, which is why I try to schedule flu shots for Friday afternoon and already have all my big errands done.

Our errands today included the library, where Otter got 37 books.  About 3 of them are mine, but she's still got plenty to read this weekend.  She had to get a new card last week, the bar code was unreadable.  That's a good thing, by the way!

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