Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sunday Stash & July Books

First things first, my stash.  Here it is:

It might not look like a lot.  But these crates are very deep and they hold a lot of yarn balls.  A LOT.  (That's Bill's foot in the upper right corner.)

From the other side.  And this isn't all, there are a few other yarn balls that aren't pictured because they are part of a UFO and also the Really Good Yarn that I bought at the yarn store in Texas.  Also, my Good yarn is in a picnic basket that isn't shown here but it's full, too.

I took these pictures shortly before I started my Teeth & Hair scarf.  It's going to take me a while, but it's also going to be easy.  It's all single stiches, 40 stitches wide and then I start the next row.  The color changes are going to be what I feel like at the time and I'm sure I'll repeat colors.  Not that I honestly expect to wear the thing, although Bill thinks that I will.  Considering that it will probably be big enough for all three of us at once and maybe a couple of other people...

Did you know that Otters make nests?  Mine does.  This is her normal Saturday spot, on the loveseat with a blanket and a bunch of books.  The books are stacked on the top back.  Quite frequently, there will be a beagle on the floor beside her.

We've been cleaning out Otter's closet today.  We're going shopping for school clothes next weekend, Tax Free Shopping!  She really won't need a lot, but we'll still have fun.  She could probably use a few more nicer blouses, she's probably got enough t-shirts.  She is going to need winter shirts & a new coat, but they aren't out yet.  She has a few pairs of jeans so if we don't find any next weekend, it's not a big deal but we'll probably look anyway.  We know that she won't need shoes!  But I'm sure we'll still look. :)

We took a bunch of stuff to Goodwill just now, and the majority of it came out of Otter's closet.  We did look for other things, she tried on a shirt and a pair of jeans but they didn't fit and we didn't find anything else.

It occured to us this morning that today is 6 years since we moved.  Just interesting trivia.

July Book List:

1.  Obama Zombies, How The Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation by Jason Mattera.  This is one that Otter recommended to me and I'd recommend it to anyone.  The author is a rare species - young conservative (which Otter also says she is) and he knows what he's talking about.  He's done his homework.  It's very well researched and well written.  And it should be required reading.

2.  The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies by John Scazi.  I don't recall too much about this one, but it was a guide to sci-fi movies with a lot of details.

3. & 4.  Batman

5.  Stray Sock Sewing Too by Daniel.  Fun patterns for sock animals.  Not just sock monkeys.

6.  Disney Pixar the Art of UP by Tim Hauser.  Up is a charming movie and this was a fun book.

7.  Hooks Only Crochet From Start to Finish edited by Carol Alexander.  This one is for crocheters who love the crochet process but not the sewing it all together part - like me!

8.  Wrapped in Crochet - Scarves, Wraps & Shawls by Kristin Omdahl.  Nothing of interest in this one, but I'm always looking for patterns.

9.  Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo.  First book of a new series which has promise.  It's a murder mystery.

10.  If You Really Loved Me by Ann Rule.  Many time a rerun, but Ann Rule is always good.  I started reading this on the plane to Texas and hardly had any time to read while I was there, so it took me a long time to actually finish this one.

11.  Pray For Silence by Linda Castillo.  Sequel to # 9.

12.  Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.  Otter also recommended this one.  It's anime-style, it's the story of a young girl coming of age in Iran just before and during the mess that started in the late 70's.  It's a true story and was very good.

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.  Batman

19.  The Time of My Life by Patric Swayze and Lisa Niemi.  This was a good book, I think he died very shortly after it was published.

20.  Trust the Dog, Rebuilding Lives Through Teamwork with Man's Best Friend by the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation.  This was a heartwarming book.

21.  Walt Disney's Fantasia.  About the making of the original movie.  Lots of great pictures of the artwork.

22.  Laura, the Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Donald Zochert.  This was her actual biography, not exactly what the Little House series covers.  It went over some of the things in the Little House series but it had a lot more detail and also a lot about her later life.  As well as a better timeline.

23.  Firefly Summer by Maeve Binchy.  A rerun.

24.  The Life We Were Given by ?  I forgot to write down the author's name.  I was not impressed.  It was about Operation Babylift, which was when many babies from Vietnam were brought to America to be adopted.  It wasn't perfect, there were a lot of mistakes made, nobody is disupting that.  But the book was written from the perspective that all adoptions were/are wrong, I think that the author has a personal bias against adoption.

The gas company came out a couple of weeks ago to check our meter.  Apparently, it hasn't been reading right.  They've been estimating our natural gas usage and billing us accordingly.  The guy that came out said that he was going to try to fix it but that it might have to be replaced entirely.  Well, he was right - it has to be replaced and they will be out tomorrow afternoon.  It's only supposed to take them about 30 minutes.  They have to have access to any appliances that use natural gas, so Bill will take the day off and be here with them.  He cleaned out a path so that they can get to the heater and water heater without being in danger of an avalance.  They also will need to check the oven.  They have to be sure that they get any air out of the lines before they can leave.  The dogsters will be blocked out of the house and their gate will be shut, so they will not be able to get into the bigger part of the back yard.

On Wednesday, Otter gets her schedule for the school year.  Then she starts school a week later, on Thursday August 12.  It would be a whole lot easier if they'd start on a Monday.  But, as Otter says, this is her last year of compulsory schooling.

OK, back to my laundry now.  It is Sunday, after all.

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