Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hot. Tired. Tuesday!

OK, so the first week of August being extremely hot means a long, wet winter.  What does the 2nd week of August being extremely hot mean?

It means that the air conditioner in my car acts up.  Fortunately, it was minor and a cheap fix.  But it reminded me that I've been through two car air conditioners conking out on me and I think both times before, it was the first or second week of August!  (One was a car that was on it's last legs, the second was the Impala that is now Bill's and the warranty covered the replacement so it wasn't as bad as it could have been).

The thing is, I am used to the heat.  I grew up in it, after all.  But that doesn't mean I like it!  It's just "there" and we deal with it.

Only one more day of freedom for Otter.  She's as ready as she ever is, to start school.  She gets a Lazy Day tomorrow - no chores, she can sleep in and spend the day in front of the tv if that's what she decides.  Which it probably will be, she's got several movies she can pick from and I would imagine that her favorite actor will be featured in most/all of them. :)

And that's the extent of my exciting Tuesday.

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