Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday's Thrifting Adventures

alternate title:  I've totally fallen off the wagon.

Here's why:

Yarn!  Specifically, this is a crocheted piece that is not quite long enough to be a table runner.  It was also 79 cents.  Yarn Rules say that I had to buy it.  It's going to be frogged and probably re-used on Bill's blanket.  Bill can't quite understand the part about buying it just to frog it, but I explained it to him in terms that an Engineer can understand:  just like buying something made from wood to take apart and use the wood (or screws, bolts, etc.) in his pachinko machine rebuilds.  Also, it's older yarn and vintage yarn is something that most people who crochet and/or knit are always on the lookout for.

This was also 79 cents.  It's not going to be frogged.  It's going to be added to on the sides, probably with a darker green.  Then it's going to be attached to a beagle!  Otter is always looking for cheap dog clothing, and this certainly fit the bill.  When I got it out of the bag, Maggie knew immediately what it was and she came a-runnin'.  (Texas language translation:  Maggie came running up to me excitedly).

I also found this little beauty today.  Amber, Daisy & Button and probably Fenton although it was most likely made for another company but is still considered Fenton by most of us who collect it.  It does have a chip, one of the teeth on the top rim.  But it's not bad and it was $2.49, which is well within my Fenton Gotta Buy It rules.

This is a really fun find.  I saw one of these on a friend's blog recently, it's a shadow box type shelf.  It's made out of a yard stick!  It will go on the wall by my desk, with the eventual destination being my sewing/craft/crochet/yarn stash storage room which is currently Otter's bedroom.  Let's be realistic here:  it's mostly going to be yarn storage!  I figure that I have a few years yet, so that gives me plenty of time to buy even more yarn.

Side view.  It's really cute and was $2.89 but it would have come home with me even if it had been higher priced.

It was a fun thrifting day!  Actually, it was a thrifting lunch hour since that's what I did instead of actually going to lunch today.  I had cheese & crackers so I didn't starve.  But I did have fun.

I got it all at the thrift store where I found the large bag of yarn a few weeks ago, and also where Froggy found a ceramic tree last year.  And where I found one for her this year.  We find a lot at this particular thrift store.  It's one of our favorites.

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