Thursday, February 09, 2012

Better Day Today

It's not Friday yet, but it's close.  Thursday is still not Baby Friday, however!

It was a better day today.  I was really tired yesterday, which is probably obvious from what I posted!

Today was busy at work, but I have a couple of things that have to be done at a set time and it's always busy when that happens.  I went to the library at lunch, so that was a nice break.  Also, after work I picked Otter up at college and we hit the grocery store.

One of my coupons didn't want to scan and the clerk was joking about it.  She was really amused and surprised when I told her about the less-than-intelligent clerk at Wallyworld!  Today's clerk, like pretty much all of them at the grocery store we prefer, had no problem remembering how to punch in individual details to take the coupon.

Bill's been stuffy the last couple of days.  It's only February, but stuff's starting to bloom and sprout.  I'm thinking that it's probably not going to be a good year for allergies.  I might set the second humidifier up on Bill's side of the bed tonight, he thinks that might help.  He was pretty noisy last night, but I always have (lots and lots of) earplugs on hand so I had a relatively quiet night.

Along with blooming stuff, we've also noticed one other thing that is rather unpleasant:  mosquitos!  Something tells me that this is going to be a very bad year, as far as bugs go.

We had a nice, quiet dinner tonight.  We bought a rotiserie chicken and I had a couple of boxes of stovetop stuffing, that along with a can of peas made a pretty good meal.  Bill's going to have leftovers for lunch tomorrow, can't complain about that!

Such an exciting life we lead...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far we have not had many bugs. My daffodils have come up and some of the trees are already budding out.
Also the Arizona ash trees are starting to put out their pollen. This one really gets me. It is very early this year.