Sunday, February 19, 2012

Taxing Sunday!

(Bet you can't guess from the title what Bill's doing today!)

The sun is shining!  It's really nice today.  Not quite as warm as it looks, but it's still very nice.  Sunny and pretty, the birds are chirping and the dogs are lazy.

OK, so the dogs are always lazy!  But the birds are chirpy today.  They are also possibly looking for nesting material, so I might get some yarn scraps out soon.  It's still  a little early and we might still get winter weather, but the birds apparently don't think so.  Otter and I were out in the back yard earlier and we saw a few assorted bugs, so I'm sure the birds are happy.

I attempted to crochet just now.  It's doable, but I'm not going to be in a big hurry to get back into it.  I just did a few simple single stitches on my scrap-scarf-turned-lap-blanket project to see if it hurt my arm.  I definitely felt it, but it didn't hurt exactly.  I just did a few dozen stitches, just enough to test.  I probably won't do any more for a while yet.  But, it was nice to be able to crochet at all!

Bill goes back to the dentist tomorrow.  His appointment is at 9:00.  We'll take Otter to college and drop her off, then head to the dentist's office.  I think I'm going to take a book or two with me, normally I take crochet but it's going to be reading material this time.  Then after we get home, I'm hoping that Billyboy will get some rest.  He's not going to be in the best mood, understandably, but he's got to get it done.

Otter and I will be in need of our teeth cleaning soon.  I'm going to talk to the dentist at that point and see if she can give me a better idea of when Otter's two remaining wisdom teeth will be ready to come out.  I'm really hoping that we can schedule it sometime other than 4 days before the next semester starts!

OK, back to my laundry now.  And then I think Otter and I might make brownies.  We have 3 partially used cans of frosting in the fridge, I think we're going to have multi-colored frosted brownies this time.


Anonymous said...

I made brownies this afternoon. Poor Bill. He has my sympathy.
Glad you can crochet a little.
I need to clean out my purple martin bird house. It is about time for them to show up. I will probably do that next weekend. Crazy Uncle has to get it down and then put it back up.
I found some bulbs that I had bought and put in the frig. i planted them today, we will see if any come up.
The birds are really chirpy here. I saw a Robin yesterday.
Did crazy uncles laundry yesterday and will do mine this week.

Otter Mom said...

Now that we don't have the rent house or a lot of business related expenses, taxes are certainly easier. We have to get them done as soon as we can for the financial aid stuff for college, which I'm sure you have had your share of, Froggy!
Sounds like you've been as busy as I have been lately.
We have seen several robins lately.