Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday Socks (Also Post # 1200!)

This is why the Sock title:

Also known as Pouty Puppy!  Or Mr. Dignity, although he has none and probably never has had any.

But, it keeps him from chewing on his legs.  He sees the socks and immediately just falls over.  Sometimes, he won't fall over until I get the socks on him but at some point, the pouting will commence!  This was taken Friday evening, after I'd stopped him from attempting to eat his leg a couple of times.

I guess Frasier's forgiven me, because he spent most of Saturday begging for affection.  Even when I was trying to take an afternoon nap on the couch!  Or maybe that was his revenge, I put socks on him so he sticks his nose in my face.  And that's usually when he belches - talk about paint peeling!

We had buffalo burgers for lunch today.  They were very good and we're kind of stuffed.  Buffalo is very filling.  Friday night's tacos were also made with buffalo and it was very good.  It has a little more grease than the turkey we normally use, but it's actually fairly lean for "beef" and his quite a bit of iron as well as protein.  Good stuff!

It's in the mid-40's now.  It was in the low 40's earlier and was pretty cold, but now the sun is at least out so it looks a little warmer.  It's not really, but it looks like it.

I'm not sure how much rain we got on Friday, but Froggy reports that San Antonio got about 3" overnight on Friday.  Which they need badly!  They probably could still use more, but at least they got some rain.

I haven't attempted to crochet yet, I probably won't for a few more days, but my arm is a lot better.  I've had to deal with tendonitis before, I probably shouldn't be surprised that it showed up.  The original problem was from getting my arm/elbow smashed in a door but the problem now is the tendonitis.  Which can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks (or even more sometimes) to heal.  There's not a whole lot that can be done for it in terms of medical intervention, mostly it's just going to take time.  I'm using an elastic bandage on my arm for it, which helps a lot, and heat when it needs it.  Also, motrin on a regular basis.  I'm also thinking that a serious amount of chocolate therapy is called for.

Well, it's a good thing that Otter and I bought ice cream today.  We needed milk, and there was a request made to go to a specific Wallyworld (can't imagine why!) so we did that this afternoon.  While we were there, we decided that we needed ice cream.  So, we got 3 small containers.  Mine's Rocky Road!  We had to pretty much fight our way through the store, they were really crowded.  Especially the aisle that has the chips on it!  Super Bowl shoppers, I guess.

I think we might be the only people in the country who really have zero interest in most sports.  We probably won't even watch it at all.  Sometimes, we might see a few minutes.  But mostly we just wait for the next day and then watch the commercials online.  We've seen a couple that were put out early, our favorite so far is The Bark Side.  Go look it up, it's funny.  Turn on your speakers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the socks, especially the toes. They look really cute.
We don't watch the Superbowl either. Instead we went to a movie- Joyful Noise. I really enjoyed it, lots of music, no sex, no violence, and very little cuss words. Froggy