Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It's Wednesday.  It's rainy & foggy.  It's cool.

In short, it's what Mom would have called Good Sleeping Weather!

We did not get the spring-like storms forecasted for last night, but we did get rain.  Not hard and not a lot, but just enough to be messy.  Probably enough to nourish all the pollen-ish things that are starting to perk up.  It's going to be a bad year for allergies, I'm afraid.  Probably also for bugs, since we didn't get the cold/snow/ice that normally kills a lot of bad bugs.

We've already started having to deal with spring time allergies.  They are hitting Bill really bad, and he is not very allergic at all, so I expect that it's going to get really bad this year.

We had a nice Valentine's Day.  Otter especially had a nice one.  HP did not have classes yesterday, but her picked her up at college after her classes were over.  Witih flowers, which he presented to her in front of all her friends (thereby earning millions of brownie points with all her girl friends and showing up just about every other guy there).  Then he took her to Olive Garden for lunch and they went to a bookstore.  There was also a mylar balloon, but Otter was pretty much already floating about 3" off the ground just from the flowers!  Otter made fudge to give to her friends, and a special container was just for HP.

We had lasagne and garlic toast last night, along with some chocolate I picked up.  But I still think that Otter had a better day!).  :)

Bill has to go get 3 more fillings next Monday.  I'm taking the day off and going with him, I think he's earned a little pampering.  Then I think he'll be done with the work he needed.  Otter and I are due to get our teeth cleaned soon, I'm going to ask the dentist then if she can give me a general timeline on Otter's remaining two wisdom teeth and when she thinks that they will be ready to come out.  I'd really like to get it done well before Otter's next term starts at college, and not 4 days before it starts.

Over a month now since I've crocheted.  My right arm is much better, although it still has a way to go.  My left arm is now beginning to bother me, which is normal when I have to use it almost all the time and not my right arm.  I have been keeping an elastic bandage on my right arm and I've used one on my left arm some.  All part of the joys of tendonitis!  But, I'm thinking I need a new hobby to keep myself occupied until I can get back to my yarn.  Any suggestions?

(I'm not asking Bill for an idea.  He'd probably suggest taxidermy and that I use the dogs for practice!)

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