Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Thirteen? Well, I'll Try Anyway

OK, 13 facts about myself.  That's the idea behind the Thursday Thirteen that is running around the internet at the moment.  I'm not making any promises, but here goes:

1.  I love to crochet.  That's probably already a well-known fact.  But, it's still a fact so I'm posting it.

2.  I am/We are TEXAN.  Always will be, no matter where we live.  Texas is Home, it is part of us and we are who & what we are because of it.

3.  I am/We are all redheads.  Although I have a bit of grey and refer to myself as calico occasionally.  Bill's got a lot of brownish shades mixed in with quite a bit of grey.  Otter has a glorious head of red hair.  It has it's drawbacks, frequently referred to as the Redhead Curse.  But, the good points outnumber the Curse!

4.  Along with being obsessed with crochet, I'm also an original Star Trek fan.  My earliest memory is in fact Star Trek, so even though the show was off the air for many years and I didn't really get into it until reruns, I'm one of the original fans because I did first see it when I was fairly young.  (And Otter had no choice, she's a Trek fan because she was raised to be).  My "other" nickname comes directly from Star Trek:  I am the Borg Queen!

(This is harder than it sounds, coming up with 13 things.  At least original things!).

5.  I love to cook.  I like to experiment and try different things, but I don't do enough experimenting.  Well, not as much as I'd like.  Bill has learned to be afraid at the words "it's an experiment" when I'm referring to cooking - but that's because he is fairly simple when it comes to what he likes and doesn't like as far as food is concerned.

6.  I was a Girl Scout leader for Otter's troup for 3 or 4 years.  I'm not sure exactly how long, I think it was 3 years.  But I really don't remember.  It was a lot of work but it was also a lot of fun.

OK, 6 is all I have!  There are other things, such as our marital history but that's been mentioned before.  I think everyone already knows where our politics are (as conservative as it gets).  Otter and I have Cherokee heritage, which has been discussed.  I read a LOT but that's well known already.  That is really all I can come up with.

I did not originate the Thursday Thirteen, I've seen it on several blogs.  But, if anybody else wants to participate, go right ahead.  If you don't want to, that's ok too.


Anonymous said...

1. mom of three
2. master naturalist
3. love to quilt
4. love to bird watch
5. vegetarian
6. married for 28 years
7. will be a mother in law in June
That's all I can think of.

Otter Mom said...

Harder than it sounds, isn't it!