Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Thought Yesterday Was Monday?

It might be Tuesday according to the calender.  But this is a perfect example of the day I've had: 

My Stress Fairies came to visit me today.  They had puppies!

They weren't as cute as this one, however.

But a puppy belly will make up for just about any stress that happens.

RIF, after all.

Otter and I had an unscheduled Girls Lunch today.  It was one of those "get out of the office before I strangled someone" days, so I bribed Otter with lunch at Arby's.  She agreed pretty quickly!

Bill had his dental visit yesterday, for what we thought was the last of the fillings he needed.  But as we were checking out and getting ready to leave, they told him that he needed to make another appointment for two more fillings.  I called their office today, and he actually has three more that he needs.  Two on the next appointment, then one remaining.  They are supposed to be smaller than yesterday's, but considering that we were originally told that yesterday was the final work needed, we really aren't sure.  He was NOT a happy camper yesterday, but I don't blame him.

We did get the taxes finished up on Sunday.  We filed them online, and we got the official receipt from the IRS and state tax agency so now Otter can get her FAFSA filled out.  FAFSA is the form that needs to be filed to unlock the keys for financial aid for college tuition.  We came out ok on the taxes, but we realized something:  when we had a business and/or rental property, we always had to pay.  Always.  Even with all the deductions we had.  Now that we don't have either, because the Pachinko business doesn't really qualify as a "business", our taxes come out much better.  Strange.

OK, I think I'm going to go find a puppy belly to rub.  I'm thinking that a certain beagle will probably agree wholeheartedly to being stress relief for me!  And a big, furry coyote might agree - although he's really more of a scratch-my-chin-and-I'll-follow-you-anywhere pooch.

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