Friday, February 24, 2012


Lola is a cartoon strip about a grandmother who knits.  She's popular among both types of yarn addicts, knitters and crocheters (I hate that word, it just doesn't flow right) both love her.  She's funny and usually is right on, the strip is written by a man and the character was existing in the strip before the Lion Brand (my favorite yarn company) started featuring her in some of their product newsletters.  It's now a collaboration between the artist and the company, there are a couple of books that are compilations of Lola involving yarn and her knitting stories.  It's always funny, and it's also usually always 100% correct.

It might be from the mind of a man, but he must be a yarn worker himself because he gets us.  And not a lot of non-yarny people do.  Lola is a woman after my own heart.

Here's the latest strip that was in my Lion Brand newsletter today.  It's so perfect!

Click on it if you can't read it, it should enlarge.

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