Monday, June 25, 2012

It's Going to be a Scorcher

I think we have another South TEXAS summer on our hands.  Today's official temperature was 104.  Same thing tomorrow.  Wednesday 105.  Although once you get to 100, it's kind of all the same!  Today was exactly what was forecast:  heavy air with little breeze.  Which makes it feel hotter.

I know, I shouldn't gripe - I did grow up with this after all.  But that doesn't mean that I have to like it!

Ok, on to other things.

Evilbugfiredeveldeniziensofhell.  Yes, we still have wasps!  The one that was starting a nest outside of Otter's window wasn't on the nest last night or this morning, so we thought that maybe it had abandoned it.  However, it's back this afternoon.  So, Billyboy's going to spray it later.  He did knock down the other two nests that were in front - the ones he killed first right after I got stung.  He didn't want anymore bugs to get any ideas and think tht they might be welcome here!

Of course, they might think that anyway.  At least, one of them did.  The one that Bill killed inside the living room this afternoon.  Otter was on the couch and she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.  It was climbing the curtains.  Bill got his electric fly swatter - the kind that electrocutes things.  Fried wasp does not smell good!  But, it is better than being stung by another one.  We're not sure how it got in, Bill said that it looked like it had a deformed wing and couldn't fly.  It could have come in with one of the dogs through the dog door, or it could have come in with one of us.  It was a big one and I thought at first that it was actually a hornet, but Bill said it was "just" a wasp.

Our vacation plans for next week have changed somewhat.  We have decided to put the zoo off until the fall.  Besides the fact that we don't want to be out in the heat if it's like it is this week (and it could well be), the animals won't be active if it's very warm.  So we will wait until it's a little cooler.  We will possibly go to a movie next week, thrifting, rambling shopping trip - we'll find something to do!  Even if it turns out that all we want to do is keep the couch from flying to the ceiling.

Actually, that sounds like a good thing to do tonight.  I think I'm going to have to do just that.  And I might just finish the crochet hat I started last night.

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