Friday, June 01, 2012


In case it's not obvious already, I'm really glad that it's Friday!

Blogger is apparently having a "moment" because it won't let me post a picture.  It actually won't even let me search my computer for the picture I want.

But what I was going to post about was something that made me feel old.  It's been 25 years since ST:TNG debuted!  (Star Trek The Next Generation, or NextGen for the unenlightened).

Froggy, I answered your comment on my last post with a comment, but just in case you don't read it:  It's never a waste of money to feed birds.  Besides the fact that they eat a whole lot of bugs, they are nice to listen to and look at.  And hummingbirds contribute to plant polination, as well as eating bugs.  Birds also spread seeds, which helps in plant growth/regrowth.

I never quite got to the grocery store this week.  So, I figured I'd better go today.  At least if we want to eat for the next several days!  I really don't like to go on Fridays.  It's generally crowded and I like to get home to spend Sabbath eve with my family.  But I had to go today, so I went right after work.  I was actually kind of hungry, since I had yogurt and crackers for lunch.  It's not a good idea to go to the grocery store when you are hungry.  It's too easy to just buy "one of everything" but I managed to do pretty good.  I did have a splurge:  a specific type of sandwich roll was on sale, so I bought several and we made french-ish bread pizza on them for dinner.  Other than that, I stuck to my list pretty well.

We got some rain today.  It was nice this morning, although a little breezy.  It might have gotten to the mid-70's, and it was just very pleasant.  The expected rain came about noon, shortly after I ran my lunch errands (I went early to beat the traffic and then just had the yogurt/cracker things when I got back to my desk).  It rained off & on all afternoon.  When I left work, it had just quit raining.  I ran in and out of the grocery store in record time, like about 30 minutes, and it was (of course) raining when I got through.  The grocery store has drive-up service, which I hardly ever use but did today since it was raining.  The rain quit again by the time I got home, so we were able to get the trunk unloaded easily.  It rained again after we got it all inside but it's stopped now.

I saw a goose parade this morning.  One of the known flocks that lives fairly close to the office was on the move this morning.  With this year's crop of goslings!  They were pretty big, but still smaller than the adults.  They were walking down the side of the road and were starting to cross the street when I went by.  Cars were stopping for them, most people are pretty familiar with the resident flocks in the part of town I work in.  I've had to stop several times to let them cross the road.  They were cute.  Otter goes back to college Monday, the resident flock there probably has juveniles and they may be even meaner than they normally are.  Otter says that the school's geese are evil!

OK, blogger is still acting up so no picture today!

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