Sunday, June 24, 2012

Siesta Sunday

It's a good day to spend napping.  It's fairly hot, at least for late June. It's still Texan tolerant, it's just a little warmer than normal for the time of year.  It's supposed to be that way for the next several days, and the air pressure is supposed to be "heavy" which also means humid and yucky.  I have a feeling that we'll probably spend as much time inside as possible.  Otter got her normal Sunday chore (cleaning the dog's yard) done on Friday, when it was nice.  Friday was in the 80's and breezy.  And that was probably the last of the below 90's we'll see for a while.  It's supposed to be 100 - 102 the next few days, hopefully it won't be a summer like last year.  But nobody will be surprised if it is.

So, I got my outside time early.  I spent a little while out on the deck this morning, with my coffee and a beagle.  BigDog was out in the yard somewhere, doing whatever he does when he's out of sight.  Maggie never actually got the grass, she apparently only went outside because Frasier did and then when she saw me on the deck she decided to stay there with me.  I did finally get to see the hummingbird, though.  I was beginning to think that it was on it's way south to migrate when Bill saw it.

Movie review:  Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows.  I'm not exactly sure if I'm getting the name right or not, but it's the most recent one.  I have one thing to say about it.  It would be more fun, exciting and entertaining to watch paint dry.  Also, watching paint dry would probably be a much more productive use of your time.

I've managed to get a little headway made in de-stashing.  Although it doesn't look like it.  I've used up 2 1/2 small balls of yarn on the scarf-turned-lap-blanket.  I got quite a bit done on it yesterday.  I did some today, but I'm not sure if I'm going to get back at it today or not.  It's still fairly small, so it's not a problem to work on it during warm weather.  Unlike the afghan which I really, really, really want to get finished this year!

I've been thinking about the fact that I have been without a dishwasher since March.  I'm still not in any hurry to replace it.  We've been through four in 18 years, and they were not necessarily the cheapest ones available.  But they should have lasted longer.  I'm willing to keep doing dishes by hand for a while.  Possibly for a long while, because I'm not really sure if I'll ever want one again.

Froggy is all moved into her new home.  They actually moved Tuesday.  Well, the movers came on Tuesday but their furniture wasn't delivered to them until Wednesday.  But the point is that they got moved.  And she remembered the rocks!  Froggy, I know you are glad to be done with the stress of the last few months.  I was asking you when the process started and you weren't sure - I think it was right before Easter.

Just 5 more work days!  I'm really looking forward to the time off.  We don't have anything planned, beyond the zoo and Otter's doll house.  We could decide to head off on one of our rambles, but at this point we don't have plans for one.  Mostly, I think we are just looking forward to not having to get up early.  Well, somebody will still have to get up to get the dogsters fed but then he (since it's usually Bill) can go back to bed after that.

Think we need to teach those two dogs how to tell time.  And then we need to teach them that 5:30 is too early, that it's ok to wait until 8:00 or 9:00 for breakfast!

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