Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Accomplishments **EDITED

1.  Father's Day Breakfast (Check)
2.  Church (Check)
3.  Laundry (Check)
4.  Dishes (Check)
5.  Otter clean out dog yard
6.  Find out if Otter is allergic to yellow jacket stings (CHECK!!)
7.  Find three other active yellow jacket nests (Check)
8.  Move rest of Otter's craft stuff from garage to shelves in her room.

Well, I guess 6 out of 8 isn't too bad.

Except for # 6.  It wasn't a good thing to accomplish.  I don't think Otter much appreciated it, either.  I feel her pain!  Otter was starting on # 4, I knocked down the two dead nests from the lean-to and she was carrying them in the shovel to toss over the fence.  However, wasps are very protective of nests - even if it's not their own, and we think that one from the two active nests that we discovered in the lean to after # 5 was accomplished probably thought it needed to defend the one of the two nests that had lots of (dead) eggs in it**.  I was out in the front yard, I was going to go knock down the two dead nests Bill got last week and trim the remaining tree limblets off the tree I was working on when I was stung, and I heard her yelling repeatedly OWOWOWOWOW all the way from the back - I figured at that point that she'd been stung because she's pretty stoic about pain.  By the time I got inside, she and Bill were in the bathroom and he was checking the sting.  It's on her belly.  No asthma issues!  Just the usual intense, burning pain that makes you want to scream.  She iced it, washed it, took tylenol and used alchohol on it.  She also put a bandaid over it, she was afraid her clothing would rub the spot.  Bill and I checked the area where she was when she got stung, by the back fence, and found two old nests but nothing active.  But then I looked in the lean-to when I was putting the shovel and tree tool up, and that's when I found the two active nests.  They are going to get sprayed this evening.

The third nest?  It's on the front porch.  They are building inside the metal tubes of my windchime!  It's going to get taken care of this evening as well.  But it's going to get a watery grave, it should just fit inside a bucket full of water.  After it's dead, I'll move the dead nests from the front of the house - I don't want to get stung again!

Bees and yellow jackets/wasps are not the same thing, so there is still the possibility that Otter could be allergic to bees.  But, and this is just a guess, I'm thinking that the fact that she didn't react to the wasp sting might be a good sign about that.

# 5 & # 8 on our list will be taken care of later, probably tomorrow.  Otter's had enough of being outside today.

After all the drama, Otter and I went to the dollar store and Wallyworld.  Among other things, we bought cookies at the dollar store.  And a tube of hydrocortisone cream since it's used on bug bites/stings and the ones I have in the first aid kit were out of date many years ago.

Movie review:  John Carter.  It was not as bad as we expected.  It felt very rushed and badly edited, I think that a great deal was left out of the books that might have been needed to explain a few things.  But it was better than we expected.  It was set-up for a sequel at the end, but Disney's already announced that they actually lost money on it and that there won't be any more.

Bill was checking on our eBay stuff while ago.  He might have gotten a "listing confirmation" email from eBay, but somehow he discovered that our eBay account had been hacked.  Someone posted a vehicle, a one day listing that started at 10:50 this morning and would end at midnight tonight.  It was a cash-only or send a money order transaction.  Only thing is, we don't have the vehicle in question and aren't selling anything at the moment!  He canceled it, then he changed the passwork and notified eBay.  Since they stated cash/money order only, he didn't think that PayPal had been hacked (it was before) but he checked it anyway and it looks ok.

I did a little crochet yesterday.  Not much, but I got a couple of rows on my scarf.  I went through my patterns, I'm looking for new projects to destash and also because it's just fun.  I have a few ideas, but nothing is certain yet as far as my next project.

I think Bill's enjoyed his Father's Day.  He got to play with power tools!  Later, we're going to have Digorno's pizzas and Otter is going to bake him a cake.  We will probably also have some of the strawberry cheesecake ice cream pie from his early birthday (yesterday) which is surprisingly not all gone yet.  It won't last long, that's for sure.  And Otter made sure that Pastor Dave knows that Bill's birthday is tomorrow - she announced it to Dave when he was asking what everyone was doing for their dad's for Father's Day.  I think she probably figured that it was a fair thing to do, since he embarassed her one time when she was very young with a birthday announcement in church and she's never forgiven him.  I think that they are even now.  At least for that one. :)

**While it's highly possible that the firedevil thought it was defending a nest, it's also highly possible that the active nest she was standing close to was where it came from.  I was walking the back fence, to see if I could find any nests and I found one that is hidden behind the trellis we have on the back fence for the morning glories.  It's just a few feet from where Otter was standing.  It's going to be gone tonight as well.


Anonymous said...

My checklist involved cleaning out boxes of stuff that we brought back from the storage. I got all the ones in the living room and dining area cleaned out. Still have the ones left in the sewing room.

Packers come Monday, moving truck comes Tuesday, delivery Wed or Thurs.

Otter Mom said...

I know you'll be so glad when it's all done!