Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday Stuff of Varying Degrees of Importance

My head itches where the firedevil stung me.  I'm trying not to scratch!  But I keep finding myself scratching.  It finally quit hurting with the searing pain last night - it didn't quit hurting, it just got better, but it wasn't a pleasant experience to wash my hair a few hours later and combing it out afterward was torture.  I took a couple of motrin when I went to bed.  Also, I'm pretty sure that it was a yellow jacket and not one of the small, brown wasps that we also have.  Not that it makes a difference, I'm sure!

I came home and found two more of the beasties attempting to start a nest on the front porch.  Bill thought he squashed them, but they either came back to life or two more showed up and took their place because they were back at it when I went out again a little later.  Bill got the spray this time, and they are deaddeaddead.

The office telephones needed a tecnhician to come out today, he found a huge nest full of inhabitants while he was working on the outside phone box - they were on the gate this time.  I've lost count of how many we've had at work, but I think we're up over 15 now.  Don't know why they are so bad this year!

Otter's off with HP today.  They went to lunch somewhere and went to the movies this afternoon.  So she doesn't know that there is a strawberry-cheesecake ice cream pie in the freezer.  I'm not going to tell her, either!  (It's for Saturday when we are going to have Bill's birthday since he has to work a b(oring)oard meeting Monday evening and won't be home until who knows when.)

I took my car in for an oil change today.  I got to the Chevy place just after 7:00 this morning.  They had one car ahead of me, so they told me to just wait and promised to be done in time for me to make it to work on time.  They were done in less than 30 minutes and that even included running it through the car wash!  Nice change from the previous place.  Also, it was about $12.00 cheaper.  And the other place wouldn't have washed it, either.

Now, I'm going to go surf the 'net for a while.  Anything to keep from scratching my head!  I will probably crochet later, I'm making caps at the moment with scarf plans for the near future possibly.

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