Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It's the last official day of Winter!
I saw notices at the booth store.  The first one was a bounty for the groundhog.  The 2nd one was that the groundhog was in custody.  The 3rd notice said that he'd been released on his own recognizance.  TO SIBERIA.  Nothing has sold at the booth since Saturday, but I wanted to rearrange it a bit and also Bill wanted me to bring the Erector Set home since it hasn't sold.
Wheeeee!  Spring starts tomorrow!
Unfortunately, Spring has it's own weather-related issues.  For the first few years after we moved to Tulsa, I would have a serious case of nerves that started in early Spring and continued until the early Summer.  Because by that time, the main threat of Spring storms would be over.  But this year, I'm feeling it again and it is early.  Probably in response to last Spring and specifically, May 20.  The news "reminders" of last year have not started yet, but it's only a matter of time before the forecasters start talking it up and promoting themselves.
On to other subjects now...
Yesterday's gopher is not the only dead animal found in the back yard.  Today, it was a male cardinal.  Yesterday, Bill made an offhand comment about the new neighbor behind us and that he hoped her dog wasn't responsible for the dead gopher and that she threw the carcass over the fence.  Today, I found the cardinal and it has something in common with the gopher - reasonably "fresh" and not eaten.  I don't think it was a cat,  I think it was the new neighbor behind us.  Both dead animals were very close to the fence line, and the bird really did look like it might have been tossed right over the fence.  If there is a third one, or anything else suspicious, then Bill said he might have to go have a talk with her.  We've only seen a woman and two dogs, so I don't know if there is a husband/boyfriend/son/etc., or if it's just her.  But I'm beginning to think that Lovely Neighbor might have a "clone" living behind us!

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