Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Stuff

First of all:

This describes my Frasier to a "T" (except for the part about missing the ball, he has no interest in them.)  His eyes are very similar to the dog in the picture, although they are a little lighter in color - like a coyote's.
Yesterday was Wednesday, which is the normal day THE sirens are tested.  But it was rainy, cloudy and windy.  So the siren test was the silent one - I think the silent tests are basically when they confirm that the radio signals are working and that they can communicate with the sirens.  Some of the sirens were supposed to be tested today, with sound, but I don't think that it happened.  It was cloudy and cool with lots and lots of wind until mid-late afternoon.  When the sirens are tested on days other than Wednesday, there is usually a boatload of publicity about it so that people don't panic.  This year, because of last year, there has been a lot in the news already about readiness and preparations.  Not that you can ever really be "ready" for tornados.  But they do happen here, obviously.
Froggy, I'm so glad you agree with joining me on the A-list!  We'll be very happy there, I think.  :)
There was a really funny listing on craigslist yesterday.  Someone advertised a jackalope! 
One of these, for the non-Texans:

Although I don't think that they are strictly TEXAS.  It's just that we like strange animals, a prime example being what the rest of the world (other than TEXAS) calls a horned toad.  We know what they are really called, it's just that some people think it's an impolite term and I'm trying to be polite!  Anyway, the listing was for a 2-month old jackalope and it was really funny.  There was no contact information, obviously!  There were a couple of comments left today as listings on craigslist - one of them said that the jackalope in question was obviously an adult and not a baby, given the fully developed set of antlers.  I guess that they are born with nubs, similar to a baby rattlesnake!  :)
OK, enough nonsense for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its called a horny toad. I am not being polite. Froggy