Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Rearranged

That seems to happen on a fairly regular basis, around here!
Today's original plan was that we were going to a specific Mexican Restaurant in Tulsa today, as it's the last Sunday of the month and we do something special then.  Then, according to the plan, we were going to come home and Bill was going to head back to his pachinko workroom.  At that point, Otter and I were going to the mall - she wanted to shop for shoes and I just wanted to shop.  And try to avoid the Coach store!  But since Otter woke up with a migraine in progress, that plan was blown to smithereens.  Bill and I went to church and left her in bed, attempting to go back to sleep.  When we got home, she was awake but still had the headache so she went back to sleep.  Bill and I went by the booth and shopped a little at the store it's in, then we went to the Mexican place for lunch.  We also went to Big Lots, which Otter nailed me about for going without her, and we looked at a junky/antique store.  We got a couple of things at Big Lots, but nothing at the junky/antique store.  I did get Otter a package of animal crackers, the cookies in the circus train box!  I also promised her that I'd make sure she goes to Big Lots with me the next time I go.
Since the sales-tax-free weekend starts this coming Friday and Otter's off on Saturday, we've rescheduled our shopping trip for then.  The mall will be crowded, but there are also a lot of sales then and besides, it's just fun.
It's 6:30 p.m. as I type this, she's feeling much better.  She got up about 4:00 or so, after sleeping most of the day.  But it actually worked out good that she was able to sleep so much today, because she needs to stay up as late as she can tonight.  She goes to work at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow and will probably work most of the night.  They are rolling out a new pricing structure and everything has to be rearranged/repriced/etc., which is impossible with customers there so it's going to be done tomorrow night.  She's going to sleep in as late as she can tomorrow morning and then hopefully, take a nap sometime in the afternoon.  She's going to be mega-caffeinated before she goes to work.  I wish she hadn't had the migraine, but at least it will be easier for her to stay up so late tonight.
I think I figured out why Frasier is such a goofy boy.  He's part coyote, and they are very intelligent animals.  He's also part dog, and frankly sometimes they are pretty dumb.  So, he's a mixture of dumb dog/smart coyote!  Which explains why he's sometimes the dumbest smart dog I know.  But, he's a sweet natured boy and we love him.  Even if he sometimes is as dumb as a box of rocks.  Oh, wait.  That describes Maggie Moo!  So does sweet natured, she's just not smart.  But she knows how to work it, and she does it well.

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